First Impressions

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As i entered the airspace of the National Park, i got lost in the landscape. 

I had heard of how breathtaking the park was but i certainly did not expect it to be this stunning.

The park looked amazing and i couldn't believe i would train there.

But of course, once i had my certification i would fly right back to Propwash to help my friends, and make sure our airport would be reopened so that the annual corn festival could begin.

I had to fly through most of the park to get to the air attack base.

Upon arrival, it looked like a tornado had caused destruction to the base. It was clear that the buildings were in desperate need of repair or refurbishment. 

As i landed on the airway and taxied away i looked around. 

The person i had contacted on the control tower before landing was a bright pink forklift who was at the time cleaning the windows. 

To the left of me, a super scooper was sunbathing and a Sikorsky helicopter was lifting logs.

My attention shifted when another forklift that had dropped some tanks on them suddenly cursed out loud breaking the silence.

Looking back to my left there was a Jump plane listening to something on the radio.

Everything seemed peaceful until someone suddenly jumped over me which made me jump out of surprise.


Dusty looked over at Icy-stream.

"They didn't mean it that way " he replied before continuing.

Anyway, soon enough other ground pounders showed up. 

The leader of the small group, Dynamite began to introduce each team member. 

While she did, it became clear that they were a wild bunch.

Of course, after their introduction was done, i gave them my name. 

This provoked an extreme reaction from the super scooper who literally dashed toward me. Not believing that it was really me. 

Dipper was clearly excited to see me.

*a bit too much, if you ask me * Dusty muttered, making Icy-stream chuckle. 

Dipper's freakout got the attention of the helicopter I saw before; who was now listening in on what was happening.

Let me tell you, that guy was beyond strange.

I had asked for their Chief, who Mayday called before i left and asked if he could train me. 

As i was told that Blade was out patrolling, He suddenly out of nowhere spoke some weird stuff about drums and the wind to make thunder or something.

"what really ?" she chuckled.

"Trust me that is the least weirdest thing he said during my training " Dusty grinned.

"Can't wait to hear all about it" Icy smiled.

After Windlifter's weird speech, the sirens went off and i stupidly followed.

I watched in astonishment as we flew up to the scene. 

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