chapter 22

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Tamaki giggled away as he played, soon getting a bit bored and he started to explore around the mansion a bit. The mansion had a lot locked doors or also doors were a warning was in front off. A lot guest rooms and bathrooms were there too but also two kitchens and some rooms only for maids or other jobber. Tamaki pouted a bit at every locked door and understood the warning labels. The little soon made his way downstairs again and then made his way to the basement door, twisting the knob to see if it was locked. The door was unlocked and some laughing, screaming and destroyed noises were coming from it. Tamaki whined a bit as the screams but then opened the door. It made a loud creak upon doing so and then little giggled at the creak, playing with the door for a moment. Kirishima heard it and smirked, saying quietly "so, so... my baby can't listen and want master to get all mad at him... he will pay for coming in my dark kingdom~" he then smirked and licked blood from his hands. Tamaki soon realized he didn’t have his bunny with him and whined out before leaving the door open a bit and heading off to go find his bunny. Kirishima leaned against a wall and waited for his little. A man cried loudly as the dom said "oh shut up! You are in less pain then my little boy will be." Tamaki started to whimper out when he couldn’t find his bunny. “DADDY!!!” Tamaki cried out, tears falling down his face. The DaddyDom widened his eyes as he ran upstairs to his Baby and looked at him with still covered in blood and a knife in his hand. "What is wrong Baby?! Why is my little prince crying??" Tamaki cried more, “I can’t find Mr. Carrots!!” The little cried out more, not yet noticing the blood and knife in Kirishima’s hand.

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