Himiko has fun with 1-a

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Dabi walked in Musufatsu, a more crime written part of town. There are less news outlets here meaning camera's would take longer to get there, meaning limelight heroes usually stay away from this area as there is no point in coming here if no one was going to see them doing heroic deeds. Meaning that this place houses a lot of crime, usually without interruption. 

Dabi has only recently been allowed to travel without Eraserhead. He is officially a pro-hero but has to remain an underground one. Not that he is complaining, he would have become an underground hero anyway if he had the choice. He would work a lot better as one already seeing as he already has multiple connections in the underground.

Because of this, Dabi has quickly rise in the ranks of the underground heroes because of his success. It was at first thought that this was a ploy to make himself seem greater, but thanks to Eraserhead he was able to confirm that this information he already knew and was now acting up on it. He does understand the suspicion though, no underground hero has even risen to top 50 in about a month as it usually takes years for some of the best underground heroes to establish themselves.

Several trafficking rings and drug operations were shut down simply because they knew Dabi. He was fierce and often unforgiving with a deadly quirk that has little counters to stop it. Dabi is already well known at Naomasa's police station because of how many people he has brought in. He knows that several people are concerned about his appearance but just like Eraserhead. He doesn't care what they think of him.

Dabi is walking about the near empty streets with hands in his pockets. He is lazily looking around for anyone breaking the law. He'd prefer not to see anyone. Dabi has had the tendency to just let people go if the crime isn't severe as he couldn't be fucked bringing them in. But then he hears a scream.

"Shut up! No one will come to save you and you know it!" the husky voice says back. Dabi growls but walks to the voice. He looks down the alleyway and sees two figures. A middle aged woman with green skin and white hair was pinned against the wall from a man. He had muscles but nothing amazing other then his arms. They were huge and muscular, probably a quirk like Death Arms. 

"The fuck is going on here?" Dabi asks with a snarl as he steps into the alleyway, making himself known. Both of them turn to look at him, the man's large hand still covering the woman's mouth. 

"Get lost loser, unless you want a fist up your ass," the man yelled, turning around and shaking his fist at Dabi. Dabi let out a tch and rolled his eyes before smirking at the man. Dabi continued walking towards him.

"Dude that was such a weak threat, do you still live with your mummy and can't risk saying a few swears?" Dabi taunts with a wide grin. This sets the man off like Dabi had wanted as he pushed the woman to the ground and started walking over to Dabi.

"You motherfucker!" the man yelled but he didn't get far. Dabi instantly ignited a hot flame of blue fire in his hand and threw the ball at the man. The man barely got his enlarged arms in front of him in time but it did little to save him. The man was knocked back and yelled in pain, his back hit the wall of the alleyway. With the man no longer blocking the woman's path, she instantly shot up and ran out of the alleyway. Dabi moved to the side, allowing her to run.

Dabi then continued to walk over to the man who's arms are burned badly. The man looked up at Dabi, scared. He put his arms forward as the man started to shake.

"Alright! I surrender man. Just, I'll do what you want," the man said, becoming very scared. Dabi stopped and hummed at the man. At least he understood that this was a losing battle for him. A lot of other thugs would continue to fight him even when they had zero chances of winning, thinking sheer numbers would be able to beat Dabi. 

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