Head In The Game

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Dabi walked into a service station. He didn't have a car to refill, the scarred man just wanted something to eat. The signature beeped sounded as the automatic doors detected him. They slid open and Dabi walked through and peered around the store. The girl behind the counter acknowledged the man with a wave and Dabi jutted his upwards before roaming the small aisles. 

"Oi Dabi their meat pies look good!" a loud and rough voice shouted. Dabi ignored it and continued searching on his own. Dabi then bent down, his left knee hovering above the floor. Dabi scanned the multiple options of chips, looking at the brands and colours to determine the quality of flavour of the snack he felt like having. A man walked up behind him and rested his arm on Dabi's back, leaning over the hooded man to also look at the bags of chips.

"Stop taking so long mate, we're all hungry," the man whined in an annoying tone. He was smirking as he spoke though, mocking Dabi. Dabi growled and quickly shoved his elbow towards the person on his back. The man laughed and quickly moved off of him, evading Dabi's elbow.

"Fuck off," Dabi whispered, but his tone was raised, making it no longer a whisper. Dabi roughly bagged a pack of salt and vinegar chips and swiftly stormed over to long line of fridges. He quickly opened one and grabbed a bottle of coke. Dabi turned, closing the fridge with his feet but now came face to face with another man.

"Hey Dabi, get me something please!" the man begged. Dabi ignored that man as well and made a b-line for the counter. He placed his items in front the woman and she gave him a friendly smile in return. 

"Dabi stop ignoring us! Dabi! Hey, Dabi!" A chorus of people started shouting. Dabi twitched, his head swerving into an angle. His body involuntarily shivered, and a vein sprouted on his head. Dabi seethed as the shouting just got louder, a horse breath slowly hummed out like a leaking oxygen tank.

"Sir, are you okay?" a soft voice asked him, clearly concerned. Dabi cracked his eyes open, he didn't even realised he had squeezed them tight. The woman behind the counter looked at Dabi with an odd look, concerned but obviously confused on what Dabi was doing. 

Dabi managed a constrained smile, but he was physically shaking. Dabi placed a ten-dollar bill and picked his food back up.

"Yeah, just got a really bad headache," Dabi grimaced as he tried to act as normal as possible.

"Oh, are we a headache to you now Dabi," someone yelled from behind him. Dabi groaned before turning and walked fast out of the service station.

"Sir I need to give you change!" the woman shouted.

"Keep it!" Dabi responded quickly as he broke off into a run out of the store. Dabi ran as fast as he could. He shoved his drink and chips underneath his armpit and gripped his head. Civilians on the street turned to Dabi, stunned as he sprinted past them. Dabi heaved, squealing out intermitted and scratching his scalp. Dabi turned into a junkyard, and he dropped his drink and food on the ground. He pivoted on his heels and glared with furious eyes.

"Fuck off, all of you fuck off! You are driving me mad!" Dabin cried out, his face turning beat red and his eyes were bloodshot. Seven people were quickly approaching behind him. They all floated unnaturally, and their bodies glowed with ethereal light. Shining with rainbow energy, mixing between red, blue, yellow and green. 

One of them was a large man with what seemed to be a trench coat on. It was hard to tell though as he glowed with an interchanging colour spectrum. He was bald and he had goggles resting on his head. Dabi huffed, hos body convulsing as he struggled to stay still. Blue wisps of fire flew up from his hand but quickly died as it raised higher in the air.

"Chill out Dabi, it's not serious," the man replied with a grin. Dabi's eye twitched and more fire sparked around him, a wave shooting off from his back before scorching the ground right behind where he stood. 

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