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We got in the car and I met Kota back at the house "I'll call you later okay?" Jungkook said and I nodded before walking in, I told him not to walk me to the door this time since I didn't want to risk anyone taking pictures "bye Kota!" he called out and she waved as we walked inside.

I caught Kota up on what happened the past two days and she looked so happy for me "Girl I'm just so happy that you finally found your person!" She cheered and I felt my cheeks heating up "so you guys slept together" she teased "Oh jungkook!" I said looking at my phone and ran to my room before she could continue that part of the conversation.

K: Hello


K: Jungkook?

J: Im sorry.. I have no other choice..

K: Whats going on?

J: It's really best for the both of us..

K:Jungkook.. you're scaring me

J: I'm breaking up with you.. I'm sorry.. please take care of yourself...

Before I could say anything the line went dead..

I broke down crying then heard banging on my door right away "Kita!" the door swung open and I felt Kota wrap her arm around me tightly "lets sit okay just relax, breath" she said pushing my hair out of my face.

"I just don't understand" I cried "I love him so much, and I know he loves me

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"I just don't understand" I cried "I love him so much, and I know he loves me..." I said and Kota hugged me again "Kita he loves you, Jimin told me.. I can figure this out for you if you want I can just call Jimin an-" "dont please, I just want to be left alone for a bit please.." I said walking to my room locking the door, I threw myself on the bed and cried and cried and cried untill I cried myself to sleep.


I walked into Jungkooks room hearing the news from Namjoon. "Hey Jungkook" I said seeing him in tears "Oh jimin hey.. I didnt hear you.." he said wiping his eyes, it broke my heart seeing him cry, "I heard what happened... I heard they told you to break up with her..." I said and he shook his head "No, they offered an agreement but.. I decided to break up with her" he said taking me by surprise "Wait... so they offered you a contract for the relationship and you still decided to break up? Jungkook what did you- I don't get it" I said trying to figure this all out.. "I dont want her to live her life under a contract, she should be able to do things on her own free will and not worry about a contract, I know her and Kota are under contract with their jobs but they arent as strict as the ones we live by.. and all the hate the post is getting of her and I... I thought about what Yoongi hyung said and he is right... why should i put her through all this again, she went through hell in one relationship, she doesnt deserve that again.. she deserves a peaceful life.. and I can't give her that" he said tears filling his eyes again.

I looked at him shaking my head "Why all these excuses? If you loved her like you claimed, you would fight for her, forget about the fame and think about whos heart you just broke right now. You're putting your fears ahead of you... you know we all have your guys back especially Namjoon and Seokjin" I said and he nodded "but it's your choice at the end of the day I know none of us can change that for you" I sighed and walked out of the room.


~3 weeks later~


I opened my phone seeing a video call coming in from Jimin and smiled

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I opened my phone seeing a video call coming in from Jimin and smiled

J: Hey Ji-hyun do you have time to talk?

K: hey yeah I do

J: I'm sure Kita told you about Jungkook..

K: Yeah she did she's really not doing good Jimin...

J: I had a feeling do you think maybe you could bring her to our next concert?

K: Jimin I really don't think Kita can handle it.. it's gotton bad again.. shes been staying at Jacksons for the past week now..

J: Just please make sure she shows up, Jackson knows about it too from Namjoon,

K: I will try

J: okay good.. Ji-hyun

K: Yeah?

J: I miss you

K: i miss you too

J: And I have something to ask you so please come to the show!

K: I will!

J: see you later bye!

K: bye Jimin.

I hung up the call and cleaned up before heading over to Jacksons, my phone went off and I ran to Jacksons and banged on the door "Kota are u okay? Kita is sleeping" "Read this I think it's about Kita!" I gave my phone to Jackson as he read Jungkooks post on their twitter, there was a video of him sitting in his room singing a song about love and i looked at Jackson, "Jimin told me they have some plan at their concert and now this.. do you think maybe, the management is allowing them to be together?" I asked and Jackson let out a sigh and pulled me to the couch, "the management didn't end it... Jungkook did" He said and my eyes went wide as he explained the story of what happened to me "So in the long run he feels like if they signed the contract Kita wouldnt have any freedom?" I asked and he nodded "thats crazy he should have talked to her about it first!" I said and he nodded "I know that, the members all know that but he felt like that would be putting too much pressure on her cause in the end its pretty much choose him loose freedom or keep your freedom and leave him... he didnt want to do that to her.." he explained and I let out a sigh, "thats a bad position for anyone to be in" I said putting my head in my hands "So why bring her to their concert then?" I asked and Jackson shrugged "I dont know but I promised Namjoon I would bring her..

I sat and looked at Jackson as we heard the bath tub water running "She's having a bath?" I asked and Jackson looked at me and we both looked in her room "I don't like this feeling" I said and Jackson gave me a look of agreement "Kita!" I called knocking on the door but no answer "Kita you okay?" Jackson asked but again no answer "Kita this isn't funny!" I yelled banging on the door "move" Jackson said and I backed away and in two kicks he had a hole in the door big enough to put his arm through to unlock the door "KITA!" i yelled seeing her underwater.

Jackson turned the water off pulling Kita out and we knew she wasn't under super long, "she still has a pulse" I said as Jackson did CPR Kita started spitting up water causing Jackson to roll her on her side as she gasped for air and started coughing, "Oh thank god!" I called out as Jackson carried her to her bed "Shouldn't she go to the hospital?" i asked and he shook his head "She's done this alot in the past... I really hope the concert doesn't make this worse.. I can't go through this again..

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