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We walked around the park to clear our minds waiting for Namjoon to show up and talk to Jackson

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We walked around the park to clear our minds waiting for Namjoon to show up and talk to Jackson. I felt so broken,, my brother was my rock and when I needed him most he wasn't there for me.. "I'm sure he will come around Kita" Jungkook said and I nodded I looked up seeing Namjoons car pull up and Jackson get inside "trust me they are best friends he will talk to him about this" He said hugging me "I hope so" I sighed


"Get in" I said and I could see how angry he looked "You know don't you" he growled and I nodded while driving off "And you're okay with it?! Do you not remember what happened over them just dating?!" He yelled and again I nodded "Jackson they have known for 2 weeks now.. they knew for 2 weeks before telling any of us, you remember how Yoongi was when you told us about her past? He's excited for this baby, I'm excited Jungkook is overly excited, he already bought the baby toys, Jungkook isn't going to leave, he's been absent for practices because she was throwing up and he stayed to help her out and cook for her, he learned from his mistake, your sister needs you now more then anything, she was horrified to tell you, then I told her you would be happy giving her hope.... but you didn't do that... you didn't support her... you are going to have a little niece or nephew Jackson and I know you love kids, I know you want to be around the kid, so I would really approach this situation different from what you did..." I parked looking over at him seeing his head down and I let out a sigh "She's right there I suggest you fix this"


I watched as Kita and Jungkook froze in front of me and I saw how hurt she looked "Kita I'm sorry" I said tears filling my eyes she looked over and ran hugging me, I hugged her tightly back and kissed the top of her head "I am so so sorry I should...

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I watched as Kita and Jungkook froze in front of me and I saw how hurt she looked "Kita I'm sorry" I said tears filling my eyes she looked over and ran hugging me, I hugged her tightly back and kissed the top of her head "I am so so sorry I should have been supportive you're my little sister I'm just worried about you and want to protect you" I said causing her to look up at me "I know, but I have Jungkook now too, He can protect me just as much" she smirked and I nodded "Jungkook congrats brother" I smiled and he smiled too and looked relieved.



A month passed since telling my brother and he was so excited, He was coming with Jungkook and I tomorrow for our ultrasound I was now 13 weeks and get to see our little baby for the 1st time and I was so excited! I walked out of Jungkooks room as he left for work and saw Namjoon on the couch "Ah Joonie" I smiled catching his attention "come sit" he smiled moving over on the couch as I sat beside him "Actually can we talk?" he asked looking over at me and i smiled turning my full attention to him "Uhm Had Jungkook said anything to you about talking to management about the baby?" he asked and I shook my head "I thought so.. I know your 13 weeks today.. but uhm Jungkook still hasn't talked to them about the situation, could you maybe talk to him when he gets home?" he asked and I nodded "yeah I can I didn't realize" I said making him smile "thank you, I know he's worried but I'm sure everything will be fine" He said reassuring me and I knew he was right, the Bighit staff was always so nice to me when I would visit, I couldn't see a problem with this... "Oh I got you something!" He said jumping off the couch and running to his room then came back out and smiled.

"I saw them last year and thought they were super cute, I was going to keep them for my future kid but I don't even have a girlfriend yet so I will pass them down to the little bean" He smiled "You don't ha-" "I want to but when they out grow them...

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"I saw them last year and thought they were super cute, I was going to keep them for my future kid but I don't even have a girlfriend yet so I will pass them down to the little bean" He smiled "You don't ha-" "I want to but when they out grow them I want them back" He laughed and I gave him a huge hug I heard the front door click open and saw Jungkook walk in and look over at us "Oppa! Look what Joonie gave us!" I said making him laugh "Hyung I thought you-" "You had little bean 1st so you can use them" He said making Jungkook smile huge. "Have you talked to Management yet?" we all looked up seeing Yoongi leaning against the wall arms crossed looking at Jungkook and all of a sudden the vibe felt very tense, "Uhm I.. It's just we have a few more concerts to do.. and I want to do them.. just incase they suspend me..  Kita please don't be mad.. I know how selfish it sounds.. I just really don't want to miss these concerts" He said looking down and I felt a little sad but I understood, "I understand that-" "It doesn't matter Jungkook the longer you keep this a secret the more upset your fans and management will be" Namjoon sighed and I knew where they were coming from..

"I promise I will tell them after the concerts, they are done next week... what's one more week?" he asked and I looked down "and if the ultrasound tech is a BTS fan?" Yoongi asked and i shook my head "It's my uncle doing it he owns his own practice" I said knowing that wasn't the point they were trying to make. I watched as Jungkook looked down at the baby shoes and smiled "you know what I will talk to them now.. I can't keep making excuses it's not fair to you, I don't wanna hide you or Jelly bean, Hyung will you come with me?" He asked looking at Namjoon who nodded his head and got off the couch. "Lets go" he smiled and Jungkook kissed me and handed me the shoes before heading out the door.

A few hours passed and Jungkook came back in but he looked a little off, "hey how did it go?" I asked and he let out a sigh and smiled at me "it went good" he said and i had a feeling he was lying "good?" I asked and he looked down "well... good because i didn't get suspended" he smiled and I let out a sigh of relief "Thats great!!" I cheered but he still looked a little off "Uhm I'm going to call Kota" "Kota? Right now?" Jungkook asked and i nodded "I'm going to ask her to come over" I said and he let out a sigh "oh well I have to go to work.." He said as Kota picked up "hey Kota are you busy?" "yeah I am right now whats up?" she asked and I let out a sigh "well Jungkook has work, so I was going to ask you to hang out but it's okay if youre busy" I said and she sigh "ask Jimin to hang out hes not working" she said and I looked at Jungkook a little confused why would he work but not Jimin "Jimin?" "What about Jimin?" Jungkook whispered "Uhm yeah I can do that i'll head over the the boys house" i said and she went quiet  "uhm no no  he will head over to our place it's okay!" She said and now i was even more confused "uhm okay?" "great now i have to go bye!" she said and hung up before I could even answer her.

I looked up seeing Jungkook put his dishes in the sink I wanted to ask why he works but not Jimin but I figured I would get an answer from Jimin.. "I love you, and i'll see you in a few hours" He said kissing my forehead and walked out the door. About 30minutes passed and I heard the door open and saw Jimin walk in "Anyone home?!" He yelled and I just stood there looking at him "oh hey!" He laughed making me wave to him. "Uhm i have a question" I said and he looked at me as we both sat on the couch "Is Jungkook lying to me about everything being good with management at work?" I asked and he just looked at me "Uhm, Oh! Jungkook told me Namjoon Hyung got you baby shoes right? Or gave you the ones he bought for his future kids?" He asked changing the subject making me even more confused about everything,, "Uhm yeah he did they are right here" I walked over to the shelf and took them off and showed him "wow they are so cute and tiny!!" He cheered making me smile "Right!" I laughed "But uhm.. how come you dont work today but Jungkook does?" I asked and he had the same almost panic like look. "uhm he has more practice to do for the upcoming concerts" he said and I nodded as he kept avoiding eye contact and I really knew that something was up but no one was going to tell me.. "so we have to be prepared for the new show next week, and you will be there right?" He asked and before i could open my mouth he answered for me "of course you will be why wouldnt you be there" he laughed "Jimin you're driving me crazy" I laughed and he smiled at me and looked down at his phone "ah Jihyun is home I should head back Jungkook should be back soon" He smiled and waved before rushing out the door.... What was that about?

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