Brown eyes- D.O

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Suited songs                  
Tonight- JKR
Cherry flavoured- the neighbourhood
Bathwater- WESLEE
Fire for you- Cannons

— Dylan imagine —

Reader P.O.V

It was a scorching sunny day and your skin was hot and sticky. You grabbed a damp cloth and held it to your forehead trying to cool down. As you did so, you checked the time on your phone.

" Fuuu—", you mumbled to yourself.
The time read 5:30 and you only had an hour to get your house cleaned, before a couple of the people you worked with, were to arrive. A wave of anxiety rushed through your body. You threw the clothe down and started picking up the small mess you had made throughout the day.

You weren't a very messy person to begin with. You were actually borderline OCD with how neat you kept your loft. There was a minimum of two dirty cups and a pair of shoes out of place. When you realized the mess you thought was there, took all of two seconds to clean, you lightly chuckled at yourself . Your stress was coming from the anticipation of waiting for your guests to arrive.

It was your first real event hosted by YOU, at YOUR own place, with highly respected people.
You were a part of the camera crew that was filming a movie based off a show called "Teen wolf" that ended in 2017. The creator decided to make a movie for the fans, not that long ago and you caught his attention with your filming abilities. He recognized that you were a "struggling artist, with a meticulous eye for the audience" as he once said. He saw your work behind the camera, off your YouTube channel and got in touch with you, as soon as he could. You took the opportunity when it came because he was right. You were Struggling.

The loft was given to you by your mom, who had passed a couple years back and although you were struggling with money, it was one of the few things you had left of her. So, you did every thing and anything to keep the loft and took the opportunity, when it came to you. The pay wasn't great and it wasn't what your ultimate goal was, but, it got you by and that was something you needed in order to keep afloat.

The last couple weeks were exhausting, working on set and it was definitely something you needed to be cut out to do, but, on the bright side you got really close with a couple of the cast members in the movie and you all planned to have a movie night at your place, since your place was the the mid-ground for everyone's commute.

You ran your fingers along the marble counters and made your way to the fridge. You swung open the fridge door and grabbed the two bottles of wine, along with the charcuterie plate  and placed them on the counter. At this point, the time was getting closer for everyone's arrival and your nerves were practically bouncing off the walls, you needed something to take the edge off. Without a thought, you grabbed the cork screw and a wine glass and aggressively opened the bottle. You took a swig, before pouring yourself a glass. As the wine left the bottle you anxiously tapped your foot on the floor. You hadn't had a whole lot of friends around since your mom passed this was your first real event, held without her presence and the thought of that resurfaced a lot of feelings. Tonight, was a big step out of your comfort zone but, it needed needed to happen and you needed to move forward with your life, so, this was ultimately a good thing, even though it seem scary and new.

Once the wine reached the rim of the cup you placed the bottle down and took two big gulps from your glass. Your mouth was full with the second gulp when you heard three loud bangs on the door. You took a pause of confusion and looked at the clock. It read 6:00 pm on the dot. No one was supposed to arrive until 6:30. You then swallowed the rest of the wine sitting in your mouth and waited for a second set of knocks, hoping you were just imagining things. You could've sworn you said 6:30 and not 6 but, then the second wave of knocks came and a voice on the other side of the door yelled.

Dylan O'Brien/ Stiles Stilinski IMAGINESWhere stories live. Discover now