Unexpected feelings- S.S Pt.2

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Suited songs
Daddy issues - the neighbourhood remix
Deep end- hapi, Jules, cellar door
Wild ones- Bahari
American money- BORNS
The unknown- Ford., hand, ayelles
Want me back- BENEE

Readers POV.

Pools of tears dripped down your face and you leaned into Stiles' hand, as he cupped your cheek, investigating the wound. You sniffled, trying to  calm down and get a grip. You were trying so hard to keep it together and play it off cool but , the truth was. You were overwhelmed. You had so much going on in your life, with Alex, school and family, already. Having the idea of supernatural humans being real, was too much for you to process.

Somehow, Stiles' presence was helping though. You stopped crying and youre lashes were the only things wet with tears, now. You peered into his soft, chocolaty eyes. They were staring at your cheek and he didn't seem to notice you had stopped crying. You could tell his brain was working hard, trying to piece together who did this to you. His eyes moved upward, meeting your gaze. It didn't last long because, the thought struck him. His soft brown eyes, became sharp and dark.

"It was him wasn't it?" The look on his face was pure disgust. As hard as it was to hear him ask it, it was even harder to admit it.

Your brows slanted down and face became long, with sadness. You were going to nod but he already knew his accusations were right, judging by your face.

"How long has this been going on for? Have you told anyone? God, I could murder him."

"Stiles!" You tried to stop him, before the rambling started but, his mind was already racing with thoughts.

"I mean, who does he think he is? Does he not realize what he has in front of him?" That comment confused you.

"Stiles!" You tried to stop him again but, failed.

" What kinda man, hits a girl like that? I'll tell ya, he's not a man at all. He's a bitch. He's no better then the—"

"STILES!" You shouted, finally succeeding at capturing his attention. He looked toward you and hit the wheel of his car out of annoyance.

" I'm sorry, its just hard to believe that kinda shit still happens these days." Hearing that made you uncomfortable. You could't quite place why it bothered you but, it did.

" It only happened once and it's not going to happen again."

"Geez, Y/N! Don't,don't do that. Don't talk it down and make it seem like it's not a big deal. He hit you. He laid his hand on you. That's a big fucking deal." Stiles scuffed, thinking about it.

"I know it is. God, I know it's a big deal but, the last thing I want is to be someone's charity case. I'm leaving him and I'm not going back. I'm not going to get stuck, this time and I'm going to stick with it."

"This time? What do you mean 'this time'? Has he hit you before?" He now had fire in his eyes.

"Why do you even care? We hardly talk at school. It's not like you've even noticed who I was, until today. You can't start acting like we've known each other personally, our entire lives." You started to get defensive.

"Did he or did he not hit you, before?" He ignored your speech, knowing it was just distraction from answering the question.

You answered under your breath.

" No."

" Well then, what did you mean by, 'this time'?"

You sighed not wanting to answer.

Dylan O'Brien/ Stiles Stilinski IMAGINESWhere stories live. Discover now