Master Moshai*

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In the early 1950s, when the Old Mother Empire of British Empire was engaged in a blood thirsty battle of the Partition, there was another rather insignificant war going on within a common person's mind. He hailed from West Bengal and was a brilliant student of philosophy and literature. Now this young man, was caught in a dilemma. A dilemma whether he, like most of his friends should pursue the old money-making careers where he could easily gain more money and luxury or if he should follow his heart's calling to be with the penurious people of his society and help them with his wisdom to make their own stand in life. He knew if he chose the latter, he will have to lead a very modest life which knew no splendor of the Materialistic World.

After a lot of inner turmoil and fighting for his own calling, he decided to join hands with-like minded people and open up a School, a School where ignorance and Evil could not reside and where blossomed the sweet Wisdom of Life and High morale of great minds.

The starting was not at all a smooth road. They chose a small village in the Huge and History-wrapped district of Murshidabad. They had to beg from house to house and collect funds, do small jobs and improvise a lot. Who would imagine a group of highly educated individuals sweep a temple in order to get some money ?.....At least that's what the villagers were thinking.

But after all the heartfelt effort, they put, the number of students was just not increasing. It seemed as if the people were just not ready to welcome the light of Knowledge or were fearful of it. Disappointed, Ahmed, decided to take a break and went to a nearby village where some of his relatives lived and welcomed him warmly. Now this village was known for the cruel dacoits who used to steal and kill without mercy or remorse. They were even bold enough to announce their arrival beforehand, which was just a warning and a choice whether the villagers wanted it in the easy way or the bloody way. And so, it happened that the owner of the house, Ahmed's brother-in-law  Mustafa was out for business for few days, for he was a merchant.

That day went pretty normally for everyone, even for Ahmed, who was draped in a thick gloomy blanket of utter failure of his mission, that was staring at his face. And evening came, the earthen lamps shown with bright light which killed the insects who were foolishly brave enough to go near the Light of Death. But this same Light seemed to provide solace to Ahmed, who was busy writing letters to people whom he hoped to get funds from for his school.

Midnight struck and Ahmed blew off the lamp. Everything suddenly went black and he fell asleep soon enough. But then came a noise....Thud! Thud!

"Open up you nasty pig!!" said someone from outside. His unwelcoming harsh voice was good enough to wake up even a dead person.

Ahmed woke up, startled of course and did not open up the door, like any other sensible person not in the movies. He hid behind boxes under his bed.

And then, the 3 men, broke the door. And my, they were none other than those dacoits !! They were armed with primitive guns and knives and their faces meant bloody business.

"Where are you hiding Mustafa? You son of a hag!! We had warned you to surrender your money near the temple! But you didn't.....surely you want to die a dog's death!!" said the leader, his eyes filled with hatred.

They saw Ahmed hiding behind the boxes, mistook him for Mustafa, and fired 3 shots. 2 of them hit Ahmed on his shoulder. But Thank God! They were not the lethal ones and Ahmed felt his breath alive. He shouted-

"Mustafa is out for trade!! Do NOT HURT ANYONE!! He has taken all the money with him!!"

The leader suddenly told his men to stop, he spoke up -

"Wait, aren't you one of the teachers who goes from house to house begging for money to build the school?? We have heard your voice on the loudspeakers a lot. Don't worry we won't hurt you. You see, you are doing a God's Job. It is because we haven't ever been educated that we have to kill men and earn our food and shelter. Sir, we are very sorry. Command us, we will do whatever you say." 

Ahmed was surprised, he slowly stood up and gathered up courage to say-

"Then stop stealing people and killing people!! That is all I want. Give me that if you can."

The goons looked at each other, and then the chief spoke up-

"Anything for you sir. We will surrender to the police and if we come out alive from the jail, we will make sure nobody harms you or your village. "

And so, the three was arrested. Ahmed felt a little guilty but he assured himself by saying that they will probably not be hanged and learn their lesson. He heard no more of them.

It was a wake-up call for Ahmed. If these goons could know the value of knowledge, so will the others, He thought. And thus, with new enthusiasm and hope, they started again. And this time, the school grew rapidly. The robbery was as if, a good omen or a sign from Above. Their school became the nursery for many success stories and Ahmed couldn't help but be proud.

But, one student named Shiva, caught Ahmed's attention. He would never tell about himself or his parentage to anyone, and had few friends. But my!! What intelligence did this sterling gold bear! And his teacher, Ahmed recognized it. Shiva resembled someone he could never recall. And soon enough after getting good scholarship and admission in an renowned university, Shiva went away, and was almost forgotten.

Fast forward to late 2020s, Ahmed was sitting in his office, his body weak with old age but his personality looked quite eager and enthusiastic still for the service of his men. He was now a lawyer, secretary of a popular NGO in the same village which had now become a bustling city, full of people with busy lifestyles bestowed upon them. 

One day, Ahmed was resting at his house and prodding over some documents when suddenly a visitor's slip came and in came, a middle aged man.  

Ahmed quickly recognized him- "Shiva?! So long, child. Where were you all these years??"

Shiva nodded and touched his old teacher's feet. Then he spoke up, "Sir, after graduating from the university, I started a small business which is now worth crores.Thanks to you sir, that I was able to learn and become successful in life. You see sir, after my father was hanged by the British, people would never help me or my family with anything. But my father used to believe that education was important to make the stand in the society. And so, I enrolled for free at your school and look at me now sir....."

Ahmed interrupted..."But who was your father? Why was he hanged ?"

Shiva replied, "He was the dacoit sir, who had nearly killed you that day."


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*Moshai is a common word in Bengali which loosely translates to sir and is used to refer to a gentleman. So...master moshai literally translates to Master Sir or the Teacher Sir.

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