A Bad Love

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CHAPTER WARNING! There will be a flash back at the end about the night Izzy was abused.


"Sweetheart, let's get you cleaned up" they heard Charlie say. Charlie and Izzy walked into the room. Everyone gasped and the vampires immediately held their breaths. Izzy arms and legs were dripping with red...
Perrie gasped and ran up to Izzy, tears blurring her vision.

"Oh my god! Izzy what happened?" She sobbed, clutching her best friend close. Everyone seem to be frozen in their positions. Eleazar looked at the girl with sad curiosity before taking a breath. Smelling the air slowly.

"Well that's different. I can't smell you" he said. All the Vampires looked at him shocked and slowly let go of their breaths. They all looked at the injured girl in shock, Izzy stared blankly back at them before leaving the room to go upstairs.

"Charlie..... What the hell happened?" Jake asked staring wide eyes at Izzy's retreating form.

"The court case happened. You know alcohol has no effect on Isabella but give her a spliff and she's gone. She came into the room off her tree, the judge made her do a drugs and alcohol test and she came back positive with both. Alan Jones and Jason Island just looked at her smirking. Like they knew how broken she was. We asked her to do her bit and sent her out of the room" Charlie sighed sitting down clutching his head. Sobs shaking his body. " When I went to collect her I was angry. So fucking angry. I asked her to come to me, instead she pushed herself away. When I found her she was in the toilets. Sitting on the floor crying silently and blade in her hand, but the work was already done before I could stop her. Those bastards have broke my daughter and I don't know what to do." He got up and walked out of the room slamming the door as he left.

"What do we do? They are obviously both hurting" Kate asked looking around the room. Jasper stood up and turned to the door his eyes blazing.

"I'm going to kill those mother fuckers! No one hurts my family!"

"Jasper calm down, hunting the fuckers ain't gonna do anything" Peter snapped at his old friend. Tanya walked over to the agitated blonde and put her hand on his shoulder, his stiff posture relaxed. Ciaus was looking broken heartedly at the space where Izzy was previously standing. Drops of blood were the only thing that reminded them that she was standing there, injured.

"I should of know" he whispered to himself but the others heard it anyway. " I am her mate. Why didn't I know?"

"You can't always know everything brother, we all make mistakes but we learn from them" Aro told him patting his back in sympathy.

"You didn't even know about the hearing! We did! How do you think we feel!" Jess snapped the blonde vampire glared at the small girl

"She is my mate I was supposed to know!" "Stop treating her like a bloody animal! She is a human being, she may be your mate but she is her own person."

"How am I treating her like an animal?" He growled

"By referring her as your mate all the time. Okay we bloody get it your souls are linked or some shit but this is ridiculous!"

"What's going on?" They all heard and turned to see Izzy staring at them blankly from the stairs. Her makeup was off and her wet hair in a messy bun on the side of her head. She was wearing one of Phil's long sleeved baseball jumpers she stole off him before she left Arizona and some of Charlie's grey joggers.

"Izzy... Are you okay?" Jess asked timidly. Izzy turned her head to Jess slightly she forced a small smile on he face but it didn't quite reach her eyes.

"Of course I am. It takes a lot more than a stupid hearing to fuck me over" she replied walking over to the group hugging Jess slightly before sitting down on Perrie's knee. Her eyes were slightly red indicating she was still under the influence.

"From what Charlie told us, Isabella you had a break down. That is not something that comes lightly." Sam said to her with sad eyes. She just stared at him for a couple of minutes before looking around the room, she noticed five new vampires and tilted her head to the side observing them. After about five minutes of silence she got up and walked towards Jasper and Tanya.

"Please look after him Tanya Denali. I don't want my brother getting hurt again" she said to the blonde curly haired vampire, hugging her tightly. Tanya held her close and whispered in her ear "I would never hurt him, I promise"

Izzy removed herself from Tanya's arms and moved to sit on Ciaus' lap pecking him on the lips slightly sensing his worry. He hugged her close to his body afraid to let go.

"I'm sorry" he whispered kissing her temple.

"I am too" she replied before, turning around to the others. "Anyone who does not live here or that has not been asked to stay, please leave" everyone laughed gently at her bluntness. They could tell she was hurting but they could also see that she was trying to be strong. Perrie pulled Alec over indicating he was staying.

When everyone has left Izzy gave her goodbyes to Perrie and Alec before gently pulling Ciaus to her room.

"Stay with me tonight?" She asked timidly, not looking him in the eyes.

(Dream Flashback)
"Didn't think you could get away from me so fast did ya doll?" she heard. She turned and saw the cashier from the book store leaning against the wall smirking at her lustfully. she shuttered and tried to get away.

"You know its good that you don't talk, it will make this a whole lot easier" he said walking towards her like a predator stalking its prey. There was a hungry look in his eye

"P-please d-don't-t hurt-t m-me" Bella stuttered roughly,

"Ahhhh! She does talk!" He said cupping her cheek, she flinched away from him

"This will be so much fun, you will have the time of your life baby!" he said huskily before kissing down her neck, sucking on the skin in between her neck and shoulder, His hands unbuttoning her shirt while another pair of hands did her jeans.

"P-please stop!" Bella whimpered

"Oh but baby, we have only just begun" He said pulling off his clothes. He stood him front of her bare, his manhood stood tall with excitement, he grabbed her and pulled her close while the other man too off his clothes, Bella stood there crying and begging struggling to get away. He shut her up with his mouth, kissing her roughly pulling down her knickers, leaving her in her bra.

"No! Please, stop!" her begging only seemed to excite him even more he bit her neck hard making her scream before he thrust deep inside her making her cry out in even more pain, she could feel blood rolling down her thighs as he plunged deep inside her again, the pain was getting worse with each thrust, suddenly she felt some one behind her, realization took over her face and she screamed in horror

"Please no!" But the other man ignored her and got his pleasure by taking her from behind. He pushed in roughly, Bella screamed loudly. This was the worst pain she had ever felt.

"God! I love them when they are weak" The cashier groaned, the man behind her grunted in agreement, she felt a sharp pain in her side and whimpered


(End Flashback)

"Izzy! Wake up it's just a dream! Baby please!" Ciaus' voice rang out. Izzy shot up screaming. Ciaus immediately grabbed her and help her close as she sobbed into his chest.

"Don't leave me. Don't hurt me. Don't leave me." Izzy repeated over and over. Ciaus held her tighter whispering in her ear.

"I could never leave you! You might not feel the same for me just yet but I am falling for you Isabella Marie Swan. I will love you to the end of the universe"

"Maybe even further" she whispered drifting off to sleep once more

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