Chapter One.

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A Bad Love

The little prick breaks up with me! Tells me I'm not good enough and that I will never see him again; now here I am running off to Italy to save his sorry arse so he doesn't get his sparkly dick fried! I just can't get a break!




Here let me elaborate. I'm Isabella Marie Swan but everyone calls me Izzie. I live in Forks, Washington with my father Charlie Swan, Chief of Police. I attend Forks High School with some close friends of mine. Jessica Stanley, Angela Weber and Lauren Mallory (That one shocked a lot of people at first.) I am currently living the single life -if a friends with benefits relationship counts as single- and I'm loving every second of it. Lets just say my life changed a whole lot when Dickward and his prissy little family left and my life definitely got worse before it got better.

After the sparkly ass freak left me in the woods, I was found 10 hours dead almost dead with hypothermia. I was a pathetic, weak bitch for 4 months! It wasn't until Jess cornered me in the school hallway yelling at me to snap out of it. She dragged me to the girls toilets and placed me in front of a mirror.

"Look at your self Bella! Its not healthy!"

The girl in the mirror looked nothing like I remembered. She looked borderline anorexic, all her clothes were hanging off of her. Her hair was limp and lifeless, her skin looked forcibly stretched on her face and her eyes were empty; Void of all emotions.

"Is that me?" I whispered to her not taking my eyes away from the zombie like figure, Jess nodded back sadly.

"If that's not enough to convince you that you need help, then when you get home look at The Chief." with that Jess walked out.

The bell ran at the end of the school day and I didn't hesitate to rush to my truck. Before I pulled out of the car park I looked at Jess who gave me a small nod. When I got home Charlie wasn't in so I decided to order Pizza.

Charlie arrived before the Pizza did and he looked shocked to see me. I looked at him properly for the first time in months. He too had lost an unhealthy amount of weight, his face was pale and tired. From the looks of it he hadn't slept much either. I guessed it was my fault, he had been busy worrying about me since I got out of hospital. When I finished looking at him I burst out crying before launching myself at him, He stumbled out of shock.

"Bella?" he asked uncertainly

"I'm so sorry Daddy! Its all my fault!" He looked angry as I said that and clutched me tighter against him, he's the only guy I let touch me since that day so I didn't flinch away.

"Never!" He told me we stayed like that until the doorbell rang (which was only a couple of minutes so it wasn't weird at all). I went to answer it and paid for the Pizza, I told Charlie to start without me while I used the phone, he nodded and turned on the T.V. I dialled the right number and waited.

"Hello?" I heard Jess' voice aske softly

"Would you please ditch school tomorrow with me and come shopping?" I asked timidly, I heard her gasp in shock.


The next day we skipped school, Jess brought along with Angela and Lauren; Who was surprisingly kind. We went to the hairdressers first because Lauren said that my hair need the most work other than my weight. I ended up dying my hair blonde and having it chopped into a bob. When it was finished I paid the lady at the counter and then we left to start the real work. Finding myself a new wardrobe that didn't hang off me and had some kind of fashion sense.

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