The lettter

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Dear diary 💜

It's maya here the day before I graduate high school finally yay!
so I'm going to walk you through my crazy morning it was insane
So I woke up and my mum made me a special breakfast of pancakes With strawberries 🍓, chocolate and bananas with a Diet Coke and a hot chocolate to wash it all down with yum! It's all set out on the table with my mum and my dad sat across from me my mum handed me the post and said that I have a hand written letter I thought that's weird but then I looked at the hand writing I know exactly who it belongs to the boy I haven't spoken to in six months he hasn't called or text but he decided to send me a letter today of all days my last day of school so I sit there and I decidedweather to open it or not so I left it until I fished my breakfast 🥞 .

I went into my room sat on the bed and decided to open it I was petrified!

The letter

Dear Maya

I don't know how many texts and emails I've written and decided not to send or how many times I've picked up the phone to call you but I decided not to so I'm wrighting you this letter and promising to send it I'm terrified at your response but here goes. Maya Hunter I am completely and utterly in love with you I would have liked to say that in person but I was worried about chickening out again I know that we said someday but I think now that you're graduating on Friday someday could be now .
I'm coming to the ceremony Friday to see Riley but I'll be watching you too if you'd like we can end someday and start then if your ready then as soon as that diploma hits your hand someday is over .
I hope your ready
With all my love

It was so weird I didn't expect it and I have a boyfriend we haven't been seeing each other for vey long but Ben is so amazing and he doesn't deserve this but do I love him not like I love josh I always thought that I would love josh forever but I never new he loved me too I mean he said he liked me but I never thought he would be telling me he loved me and in that moment all I wanted was josh until I saw a picture of Ben and felt awful he doesn't deserve any of this and I new what I had to do .

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