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Dear diary
Me again I think now would be a good time to walk you through school today it was bad !
I had art first which is amazing because it's our last lesson and I'm gathering up my portfolio trying not to think about josh and Ben and the big mess I had to deal with lucky I was in art with Sophie who doesn't know the whole situation with josh and everything so we talked about light and fluffy things like what we are going to do this summer and college. So things where easy until I had history next with the whole gang including Ben.
I spent all lesson trying to avoid eye contact with everyone especially Riley because she can read me like a book
As soon as class was over I ran out of there so fast I think there was a Trail of dust be hind me at break time I spent it with Riley in the library and explained everything and she was no help she said Ben was her friend and josh was her uncle so it wouldn't be fair to take sides but it was okay because I already knew what I was going to do.
In the next two lessons we literally did no work as it was the last day of school ever and we just watched movies and talked lucky Ben wasn't in any of my lessons so I could avoid him but I knew at lunchtime it would be time to face the music 🎶

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