Episode 2 An Arrival Guest

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in the Emerald Castle back long ago

"the six heroes told the Prince all that had happened"

Wee Wee: after that....i saw the guy who kill the alone in fighting stuff,

Lisa: geez...that was a bad idea,

Miss: uh huh,

Wee Wee: yeah and i saw the police caught arrested too,

Comy: oh dear,

"then the king appeared but he remembered the spiked died ago"

Edward: Wella may i speak with you in the private,

Wella: oh...of course, "he inside the private Edward and Amailes demanded to speak with Wella" and we didn't kill him....did we?, "he asked once they were alone"

Edward: "King shook her head" it is not in the magical power to do such a deed,

Wella: your highness, what do they do exactly?...i mean they banished his monsters back in ago, but then later changed her back to the place why did they came in the break out?,

Edward: you know Wella....there a legendary moon of the planets, call Queen Serenity,

Wella: huh?,

Edward: Queen Serenity is to restore in the planet and land it is complicated, but basically what they do is turn something into what it is on the inside the first time...they were on Devil she had darkness in her heart and that's what defeating her to the castle, the second time the there was an only the evil in sphere on earth....his name is Queen Beryl was taken over the moon, she wanted to get out and that's what turned her red crystal, however..., "he trailed off and looked at said creatures picture in the stain glass" his Legendary Silver Crystal is as pure and...one comfort her heart,

Wella: does he even have one?, "he inquired"

Amailes: yes my child, every creature has a heart thought some refuse to show it,

Wella: so what did the powers do to him now?,

Edward: "he paused" nothing,

Wella: "the boy eyes widened" what?,

Edward: nothing....he escaped before the death hit him,

Wella: "Wella was astonished" but...but...i restored everyone's memories! the Draw City it's fine now!, the magic should have worked!,

Amailes: they did Edward, and Queen saw that she saw that she could not break apart your friendship with the others,

Edward: yes, so she chose to be a coward and fled,

Wella: how...how do you know that's what happened?,

Edward: i know Queen Beryl, she's was an evil wicked away enough to know when to flee,

Wella: so he's still out there?, we have to find him! the kingdom not safe as long as she's free!,

Edward: no, she's knows not to make another attempt to takeover not without time to contemplate his next move, when he does that's when we take action,

Wella: but what if....?,

Edward: Wella...we do not know where Beryl is the only thing we can do is to wait for him to come out of hiding, when she does i want you and your friends to be ready do you understand?, "he opened het mouth to protect but then sighed and nodded" good, now i will leave the heroes with you so you will be ready when the time comes, but first i will cast a spell protesting them, so evil queen cannot take them again,

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