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Kyung's POV

I watched as Jiho took shot after shot with girls around him at the bar. I'm not sure what happened when he went to see his brother but when he came back I could tell he had snapped. Sitting at a table with Minhyuk, Jaehyo, and Taeil they were chatting about something I payed no attention to.

"Kyung!" I took my eyes off Jiho and turned to the voice. The guys were staring at me. "What's up? Why aren't you drinking?" Jaehyo asked taking a sip of his beverage. I shrugged my shoulders and looked back into the crowd to find Jiho but he had disappeared.

"Where's Yu-Kwon?" Taeil asked.

"He's in a bad mood." Minhyuk answered. "He got into a fight."

We all looked at him surprised. Yu-Kwon had a temper but he never fought. Someone must've really pissed him off.

"Well... it's more like he beat the shit out of someone." Ours mouths hung opened. "What happened!?" Jaehyo and Taeil asked at once.

"You know Park Diana?" He asked. My eyes widened when he said her name. Jaehyo and Taeil shook their heads 'no' but I nodded 'yes'. "You know the girl that works at my café. The one with hazel eyes." When he said that the two looked like they knew who he was talking about, but you never know.

"Anyway, Yu-Kwon and her are pretty close. He protects her like she's his sister. Heh... I guess I do the same. Her boyfriend got a little upset when he found a pair of shoes that didn't belong to him in her bedroom," We watched as his hand turned into a fist and his eyes filled with hatred. "He slapped her in the face that left a bruise from her cheek to her eye."

Her boyfriend laid a hand on her? I've seen him before. He doesn't look like the type who would lay a hand on a girl. But I guess looks are deceiving.

"Yu-Kwon had to find out what happened to her by the dudes' little sister." He said taking a drink and shaking his head.

"Who's shoes were they?" Jaehyo asked.

Minhyuk thought for a few moments before talking. "Jihos' brothers."

"What!?" I shouted so loud that even the DJ heard me and stopped the music. The guys looked at me with wide eyes.

"Why was his shoes in her bedroom? Better yet why was he in her house? Did he spend the night with her? Was she cheating on her boyfriend or something? What-" I shot question after question before Minhyuk interrupted me.

"Kyund chill. I haven't talked to her about it yet. She took today off, but I doubt she was cheating on him. She's not the type."

"How would you know? Maybe she is the type but is really good at hiding it." He shot me a glare that made the hairs on the back of my neck stand.

"She's not the type," He said still glaring at me. "I know she isn't cause she has yet to do anything like that."

"When you say 'that' do mean 'it'?" Taeil asked raising a brow. Minhyuk kept silent and turned his gaze towards the crowd.

"Where's Jiho?" He asked changing the subject.

Zico's POV

Walking into my brothers place with a girl I picked up from the club she pushes me against the wall. She attacks my neck with kisses and bites. Lifting up my shirt she throws it on the floor. She leaves kisses down my chest all the way to the top of my jeans. Undoing my pants she slides them down to my ankles leaving me in my boxers. I step out of them and pick her up so her legs were wrapped around my waist.

Walking into the living room I sit on the couch and let her straddle me. "Oppa," She says seductively into my ear. "Help take off this itty bitty dress." Reaching behind her I pull on the zipper sliding it down. Pulling the dress down so her breasts were exposed I knead the right one as I suck on the other. Her moans filled the empty apartment as she grinded her her hips on me. She stands to slip out of the dress. Kneeling in front of me she rubs me through my boxers then pulls them off.

Battle Royal (Block B Zico) SlowWhere stories live. Discover now