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'That's the second time someone told me not to talk to you Zico.' I thought to myself as I sat in my moms car. Looking out the window the clouds are grey and it looks like it's going to rain any second. "The weather wasn't like this earlier." My mom said taking a right turn into a street filled with shops and cafes. She stopped in front of a little cafe and turned to me. "Ana we still need to talk about what happened."

I nodded. "What you did was absolutely the most stupidest thing you ever did." I nodded. "Tell me what exactly was going through your head when you thought going to a place like that was perfectly fine."

"I thought it would help my grade--"

"That's not an excuse Ana!"

"I know mom." I said with my head down. She paused before she spoke again. "I've been thinking," I looked up at her. "Maybe it would be better if you went to go live with your father for a bit." Looking at her, tears about to fall from my eyes anger begins to fill me. "Why?" I croaked.

"Because it's for the best."

"No! I'm not leaving!" I yell tears finally falling.

"No you're just visiting Ana. You're going to come back--"

"No if you send me to him then I'm just going to leave before you can and go somewhere where no one can find me." I open the car door and step out. "I don't need you I know how to take care of myself, I've been doing it since I was little. But you wouldn't know would you!" I slammed the car door shut and walked into the cafe leaving my mom in the car.

"Hey Ana." Hara my coworker said from behind the counter. I walked past her into the employee room where I got ready for my shift. I walked back out tying my apron and stood behind the counter with Hara. "Have you been crying?" She asked as she placed fresh bake goods in the display case. "I'm fine."

"You don't look fine." She said staring at me. "What happened?"

"Let's talk about it later." I said turning my attention to the customer that just walked in. "What would you like to order?"

My shift ended. Hara, me and our manager were the only ones left. He was in the back while Hara and me were in front putting up the chairs. When we were done we sat in a booth waiting for our rides. "Wow it's really pouring out there." Hara said sitting on the other side of me. "So tell me what happened earlier."

I was hesitant to speak but did. "My mom wants to send me to go stay with my dad for a bit." Her eyes widened.


"Cause I did something stupid." I said looking at my phone waiting for a message from Jihoon. I sent him one during my break but he has still yet to send one back. I sighed resting my phone on the table. "What did you do?"

"Something that almost got me killed."

"Ana! I thought you weren't going to get into anymore trouble." She said crossing her arms over her chest and leaning back in her seat. "I know I said that! I wish everyone would just stop reminding me." At that moment our manager walked out from back.

"Hey. Why are you two still here?" He asked.

"Uh..Minhyuk have you looked outside." Hara said. He walked towards us and looked out the window. "Wow It's like a hurricane out there."

"How are you getting home?" I asked him. "I'm waiting for my friend." And as if he said the magic word someone came in the café.

"Hey Minhyuk! Are you ready!?" The voice shouted. I turned my head quickly to see Zico standing there. He looked at me surprised then smiled. "Hey Diana."

"Hi." I said quietly.

"You guys know each other?" Minhyuk asked.

"Some what." I said turning back around.

"Do you guys have a ride home?" He asked. "My brother, who just pulled up is taking me home. Bye Ana, Minhyuk. Uh Zico?" Hara said leaving. "What about you?" Zico asked.

"My mom is picking me up."

"It's already 8:40." Minhyuk said.

"I can drop you off." Zico said dangling his keys. I looked at my phone checking to see if my mom called or texted but didn't. I put my phone in my pocket and stood up. "I guess you can take me home." He smiled and held the door open. We waited for Minhyuk to lock the doors. It was raining so hard that you could barely see. Zico pulled me under his jacket. He pressed the unlock button and counted to three. We all ran to his car as fast as we could and jumped in. I sat in back, Minhyuk in the passenger seat and Zico in the drivers. "I'll drop you off first Minhyuk." He drove slowly to Minhyuks house, by the time we got there the rain had lightened up and it was much easier to see. "Bye guys. See you at work Ana." I waved goodbye to Minhyuk. "Where do you live?" Zico asked.

"Uhm... Make a left at the light."

"Do you wanna sit up front?" I shook my head. He drove and stopped at the red light. It was awkwardly quiet, the only sound was that of the rain hitting the windows. The light turned green and he made the left turn. "Just keep going straight for four blocks then make a right then go straight two blocks and make a left." He nodded and drove.

He took glances at me through the rearview mirror. We there in silence until we reached my house. When we pulled up there were cop cars in front and the front door was open. I jumped out the car and up to the door only to be surrounded by policemen, not noticing Zico had gotten out with me.

Zico's POV

It was an awkward car ride. I wanted to talk but it looked like she had a lot on her mind. I pulled up on a street that had cop cars in front of a house. Ana jumped out as I stopped and ran up to the house. I got out the car following her to the house, she was crowded by officers. The same officer that was at the club told everyone to calm down and walked toward us. "What's going on?" Ana asked.

"Can everyone go now." He said and everyone made their way out. He looked at me and frowned. "Soengmin what's going on?" She asked again.

"Listen Ana." He paused then spoke again with tears in his eyes. "There was an accident and your mom..."

Battle Royal (Block B Zico) SlowWhere stories live. Discover now