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"You could've worn something more appropriate." Jiseok chided as we walked into the up-scale restaurant. I looked down at my outfit, a black fitted jacket over a white graphic tee, dark blue jeans and a pair of black timberland boots.

To say I was nervous would be an understatement. My hands, that rested in my pockets, were sweaty. My heart was beating at a fast pace, and my stomach turned to knots.

Shrugging, we were led to the back, where the private rooms were. "Why does he want us to meet for lunch anyway?" Jiseok asked, opening the door we stood in front of. Moving into the room, it had a traditional look to it compared to the rest of the restaurant.

"It was supposed to be dinner, to talk about the company's future," Taking a seat on the cushion that sat on the floor, he does the same. "The next heir." When it came to the company, our father was always strict. Wanting the both of us to become a part of the family business. By the time I was twelve, it was decided that I would go against Jiseok for next CEO. Home by three, homework done by five, business studies done by eight, dinner then bed. Those were the rules we had to follow.

But rules were meant to be broken.

Jiseok sat next to me, folding his arms. It went silent as we waited for our father. "When was the last time you seen him?"

Again, I shrugged. "Maybe a few months after I left for Japan. He was on a business trip. Haven't really seen or talked to him since."

The door opened, Jiseok and I stood. When our father walked in we bowed, waiting for him to take his seat across the table, we take our seats. The once black hair he had was turning gray on the sides. His sharp features never failed to surprise me. High nose and thin lips, he had creases on his forehead.

His dark eyes stared down at us, a thick tension filling the air immediately. He looked at Jiseok then at me, an unsatisfied expression falling on his face. "You could've worn something more appropriate," He commented in a low voice. "This is a meeting. If you inherit the company, do you plan on going to meetings dressed like that?"

I shook my head, staring down at the floor. "Now, the reason I called you two to lunch was to discuss the family business. In the upcoming year, I will be stepping down as CEO and handing the company over to one of you."

"Stepping down?" Jiseok asked in disbelief. "Why?"

"I think it's time you two started doing something with your lives." He narrowed his eyes at me. "Starting next month, for the next six months, you'll both start running for next CEO. You guys went to classes for this exact purpose, now it's time to see what you actually got." Our father explained staring at us with an unwavering gaze. The sound of the door opening broke the silence, a couple of waitresses came in with several trays of food. After they set everything on the table they left, leaving us in silence again. My dad picked up his chopsticks and started into the sides. "The media will be contacted and a press conference will be held a week before you start."

"And if we don't want to take your place?" I asked watching him. He looked up from his food and raised a brow.

"If you don't want the position, then what exactly do you plan on doing with your future?"

Meeting his gaze, I sit up straight and speak in a tight voice. "Anything as long as I don't have to be apart of this."

Jaehyo's POV

Ana and I stood in the middle of a tattoo shop. She looked down at her wrist and smiled. "When I asked what you wanted to do, I didn't think you'd pick this." I said laughing a bit nervously. "Don't tell the guys I let you get a tattoo."

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