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TW - alcohol

The man was drunk.

He stumbled along the brightly lit corridors of the huge building, his vision slightly foggy. He followed the large signs towards a room that he knew was his department. He practically fell into a room with two desks inside. One of the desks was his own. He ran his hands along the polished white surface of the first desk, his fingers tracing along the control panel set into the cold white stone. At his touch, the panel and the large screen above it lit up, casting a soft, warm glow into the room.

The man moved over to the second desk and turned on the screen and panel, a stupid but funny idea popping up in his mind. He sat at his own desk and began scrolling through pictures of every employee working inside the huge building. He was looking for someone special. His eyes landed on a small brunette, he knew the boy, in fact, it was at this boy's eighteenth birthday party that he'd become this drunk.

Wordlessly, he dragged the image of the brunette off of his screen and onto an even large screen in between the two desks. The image fell into place inside a small glowing box. Seemingly satisfied, the intoxicated man stumbled over to the other desk and began to search through hundreds of thousands of photos of the people outside of this building, the people on Earth. He knew it was stupid and quite possibly illegal to be doing this but he was too far gone to care.

He settled on a picture of a tall and strong looking blond boy who looked around the same age as the brunette. Smiling crookedly, the man dragged the blond's image onto the large screen and it fell into place inside a second glowing box. The two images inside their boxes began to vibrate, the light glowing brighter as they inched towards each other. The man watched as the images melded together, a heart glowing bright between them, binding them to one another.

Then the lights disappeared and all the screens and panels went black. The man was suddenly doused in darkness. A crackle of electricity sounded and a spark flew from his control panel. It was possible that in doing the unthinkable, the man had broken the system. He hoped not. He would be in trouble if he had. In fact, he would be in more than just trouble if anyone found out what he'd just done.

He didn't have time to worry about that now though, he could hear voices approaching. He managed to exit the room without a sound and stagger back towards the loud music and bright lights of the birthday party. He slipped back into the crowd and no one was any the wiser. No one knew that the drunk man had just done something never before seen in the entire history of the world.

But they would know. In due time, they would all know. And when that time came, the man would surely regret his drunken mistake.

But for now he settled for another drink, not aware that he would remember next to nothing the next morning.

Cupid's Curse - DNFTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang