Chapter 30

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TW - swearing
CW - fluff


I rubbed my eyes and sat up, slightly dazed and confused. The car had come to a stop and I could hear voices all around me. Salty ocean air drifted through the open windows, filling my senses. The blurry figure of a brunette boy stood over me and I vaguely heard my name being spoken in a soft British accent.

I shook my head a little and my vision came into focus. George stood above me, a small smile on his face. I immediately noticed that his eyes looked very red, as if he'd been crying.
"George, have you-" I reached up and cupped his cheek, worried and ready to beat someone up. George shook his head and smiled.
"It's fine Dream, I just miss Wilbur is all," I moved away from me, crossing his arms.

My gaze softened as I stood up and climbed out of the car.
"Oh Georgie," I said sadly, pulling him into a hug. George immediately hugged back, burying his head in my chest. After a moment, we broke apart and George smiled softly.
"C'mon, lets check into this motel," He murmured, slipping his hand into mine and tugging me towards the entrance.

We found ourselves in a small office type room with a front desk. Behind the desk sat two people playing with a deck of cards.
"FUCK!" One of them yelled, running a hand through their brown hair, their blue eyes glinting with frustration. The other grinned, gathering the middle pile of cards into their hands.

The one with the cards noticed us first. Their dark eyes widened with shock as they caught sight of the five of us and they dropped their cards.
"Sorry! We didn't see you there!" They cried, leaping to their feet. They smoothed out their short brown hair as they approached the front desk, smiling.

"Welcome to the Jammy Dodger Motel, I'm Kyle and that over there is my platonic soulmate Jam and we are the owners!" Kyle smiled at us and Jam waved brightly.
"Hi! Could we get two one bed rooms please?" Karl asked, returning their smile. Kyle nodded and their eyes moved to their computer as they began to find us rooms.

"So," Jam said, filling the silence, "Are you some sort of fuckin' orgy or just friends?" They asked, making all five of us choke on air.
"Neither," Quackity gasped, laughing loudly, "I'm dating these two idiots, they're both my soulmates and those two are soulmates and dating," He gestured around at us as he spoke. Jam nodded in understanding.
"Nice, well don't worry about homophobia here, our motel is the most LGBT+ friendly motel you'll find,"

It was only as they said that that I noticed the extensive LGBT+ flags covering the walls. I smiled brightly and I noticed George's mood seemed to lift as well.
"Alrighty," Kyle clapped their hands together, "Here's your room keys, rooms 69 and 420, they're right next to each other. And no, our rooms are not numbered in order, not all of them are numbers, its just funny shit. Also I suggest you three take 420 because it's got a bigger bed for polyamorous relationships," Kyle grinned as we all laughed and thanked them.

We walked out of the room and Kyle and Jam went back to their card game. We walked along the corridor, moving past rooms with stupid names like 'deez nuts' and 'ur mom' and 'drugz'. I chuckled under my breath as the names became stranger and stupider. Eventually we arrived in front of our rooms and Quackity snatched one of the keys from me.
"420 LET'S GO!" He cried, tugging Sapnap and Karl towards the door.

I shrugged and turned to room 69, grinning at George as I did. He rolled his eyes and waited for me to open the door. We stepped inside and I was surprised at how nice it was, a lot more sophisticated and clean than I'd expected. George wandered around, taking in the small kitchen in one corner and the large double bed in the middle of the room. There was a small bathroom connected to the opposite wall and a large window opposite the bed.

"I'm so tired," George mumbled, collapsing onto the bed which had blue and green marbled sheets. I smiled and lay next to him, pulling him into my arms.
"Take a nap then," I whispered, gently kissing his cheek. He turned a little red and smiled warmly. After a moment though, his smile faded and was replaced by a look of fear.

"I can't, what if they find us?" He breathed, sitting up slightly. I felt a twinge of sadness for him.
"It's okay George, were safe now. We're gonna keep running okay, they can't search forever. Rest darling, I'll wake you up later and we can go to the beach," I murmured, stroking his hair as he slowly lowed himself down again, resting his head on my chest.

"I love you Dream," He said, smiling as he closed his eyes.
"I love you too Georgie, I won't let anyone hurt you," I replied, gently kissing his forehead.


"I swear to fucking god Dream, I will throw this ice cream on you," George warning, holding out his ice cream defensively in front of him. I laughed loudly and lunged forward, ducking under the ice cream and grabbing George by his waist. He screeched loudly as I lifted him over my shoulder and began to carry him towards the sparkling blue ocean. Karl, Sapnap and Quackity were already there, splashing around in the shallows and laughing.

"Dream you idiot! I dropped my ice cream," George pouted, lightly punching me in an attempt to get me to put him down. I rolled my eyes playfully,
"I'll buy you a new one after we've gone for a swim," I promised. We reached the water and I still didn't let go of the brunette as I waded in deeper.
"Put me down idiot!" George cried once we'd reached just higher than waist deep.

I shrugged and complied, dropping him into the water. After a moment, he broke the surface and I started laughing at the furious look on his face.
"I actually hate you," He pouted, splashing water in my face, making me laugh harder. I pulled him into my arms, planting a kiss on his nose.

"You love me," I murmured, grinning at him.
"Debatable," George retorted, clearly trying not to smile.
"Kiss?" I asked, leaning down. George smiled and leaned in, our lips met.

Then Quackity splashed water at us and we broke apart.
"Quackity you little-" George leapt forward and Quackity splashed away, screaming loudly. After a few moment, Sapnap kicked water at me and an all out Splash War began. The general public started giving us very annoyed looks as we continued to screech swears and splash water at each other, by far being the loudest people on this beach.

It felt good, to know that we could spend the rest of our lives having this much fun. I had a feeling that this first day of running was a good sign. We were going to be okay.

Word count - 1199

A/N -

Have an amazing day/night!
You are all awesome and valid <3!

Thanks for reading!

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