XVII: Carol and Erin Screw Up After Told Not To

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The train halted to a stop in a station. They had arrived in London.

It was already 8 o'clock in the morning when they arrived, so the sun had finally risen and the city was illuminated. The first double-decker busses were up and running along with the cars on the road, racing past the neon signs that were turned off due to the fact it was daytime. The first business people were racing to their meetings, and there were even a few cloaked people walking hurriedly, seemingly not noticed by anyone but Carol.

"Come on," Bella said, pulling Erin from a shop display. "Remember what we came here for."

Bella pushed the boys along the city streets, which were getting more busy by the minute. As their path twisted and turned street by street, Carol got dizzy. Carol wasn't a city kid; he grew up in a suburban town in southern New York. He was just barely able to make it through Manhattan back to camp after his visits home.

"I have to leave now; if I go any farther I'll be in Hecate's place, but I've made it simple for you," Bella said. "All you have to do is walk down those two blocks, then turn left and walk another three. There you'll see the telephone booth. Just walk on in dial 62442, tell that you're Cornwall Otis here on an unannounced business venture. You can't mess up."

They messed up.

And, more embarrassingly, they messed up on the first step of "walk down those two blocks."

"Was that two blocks or three?" Carol asked.

"Two?" Erin said uncertainly.

After about spending half an hour wandering the city streets, Bella finally chimed in to help.

My gosh. Seriously. For the first fifteen minutes it was fun, now it's not. Her contempt-filled voice echoed in both of their heads, but no one else could hear. I guess I'll have to dumb it down, although there's not much to dumb down, but I'll try. Now, walk down to the crosswalk, then turn left and keep walking until I tell you to turn.

When they finally arrived at the telephone with Bella's directions, Bella decided to leave their heads.

I can't risk going to Hecate's territory too much, even if it's in your head. I won't go into your head again once you're in the headquarters. Emily's precise location in the premises you are about to enter is shielded from me, since it's in Hecate and her world. But go to the people who are equivalent to police officers or the higher ups, and they should know. Now go, and don't screw the pooch again.

Very encouraging, Carol thought to himself.

Erin opened the door, and they stepped in. The door swung shut behind them, but not all the way due to the dent in the middle of the door. It was a tight fit; the crooked telephone apparatus was digging into Carol's arm, and he itched to get out.

Erin quickly dialed the proper digits after a moment's hesitation, hoping that he hadn't "screwed the pooch" again.

"Welcome to the Ministry of Magic. Please state your name and business."

The voice made Carol flinch. It didn't come from the receiver; rather, it sounded as though someone was yelling right into both of his ears. One of the top ten weirdest feelings in the world, Carol decided, was hearing a sound equally from all sides. Not only that, but the voice itself sounded weird too. Her voice was smooth and silky, but unnaturally so, as if it was just an automated human.

Also, it confirmed Carol's suspicion that they were dealing with wizards. I doubt that Hecate can even sense you here. You're probably too scared to do anything just like every other god and give the bloody work to the demigods, Carol fumed in his head, even though he knew Bella couldn't hear him. He didn't get a response, but Carol could see the pfft expression on her face.

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