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(Btw I change into 3rd Pov sometimes)

"So, how's school treating you?" Nick asked, his curiosity brimming.

"It's mostly alright," Ben replied, a hint of nonchalance in his tone.

"What does 'mostly' mean in this case?" Nick probed further, wanting more insight.

"Well, there's a fair share of bullies around," Ben admitted, his expression clouding slightly.

"Are you a target of bullying?" Nick's inquiry was laced with concern, his eyes fixed on Ben.

Ben's gaze held steady for a moment, heavy with unspoken history, before he simply shifted the topic. "We're at the school now."

"Alright, let's grab your schedule from the office," Ben suggested, leading the way.

"Sure thing," Nick agreed, following him into the office where a receptionist was stationed. "Hi, I need my schedule."

The receptionist inquired, "Your name, please?"

"Dominic Smith," Nick provided.

"Ah, here you go. If you need anything, feel free to reach out," she smiled warmly.

"Thanks," Nick mumbled, slightly awkward.

"Mind if I take a look?" Ben asked, and Nick handed over his schedule. Ben examined it and nodded. "You've got first, second, and ninth period with me. Bell just rang, time to head to class."

They walked side by side down the hallway, eventually entering their first class. The teacher caught sight of Nick and prompted him to introduce himself to the class. "Hi, my name is Nick, and I recently moved here from Forest Hill."

As the day progressed, the classes turned out to be as mundane as Nick had anticipated. Second period followed suit. At the conclusion of that class, Ben instructed Nick to meet him after sixth period, so they could sit together at lunch. As the time came, Nick found Ben already with his lunch.

"Where should we sit?" Nick questioned, his appetite seemingly absent.

"Wait, are you skipping lunch?" Ben arched an eyebrow, concerned.

"Yeah, I'm not hungry," Nick admitted.

"Alright then, let's sit outside," Ben suggested. As they exited the building, they gravitated to Ben's usual spot.

"So, how were your classes?" Nick inquired, looking for a spark of interest.

"Frankly, they were rather boring," Ben responded honestly.

"Same here," Nick chuckled in agreement. "Did anyone bother you?"

Ben shook his head. "No, but you have math for fourth period."

"Yeah, that's true," Nick confirmed, recalling his schedule.

"There's this guy, blonde hair, mohawk. Goes by Chase," Ben pointed out. "He's one of the bullies I mentioned earlier."

Nick acknowledged, "Yeah, I think I saw him. But he didn't hassle me, so you don't need to worry."

Ben's eyes held a protective glint as he said, "If he ever does, just let me know."

"Sure thing, but seriously, I'm good. No worries needed," Nick reassured with a smile, feeling touched by Ben's concern.

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