"Dad, I'm planning on crashing at Ben's place tonight. Cool with that?" I threw out, half-challenging, half-seeking permission.

"No, you can't," my dad's reply was as predictable as it was frustrating.

"Why not?" I pressed, a hint of teenage exasperation creeping into my voice.

"Because I said so," he retorted, his dad-tone in full force.

"Dad, seriously? I'm 16, not 7. Relax, it's just Ben," I shot back, my tone tinged with a dash of rebellion.

"Alright, but promise you'll stay safe," he caved, the fatherly concern in his voice shining through.

"Cross my heart, dad. No worries," I said, feeling a smirk tug at my lips.

It was hard to believe this was the same dad who once imposed strict curfews and rules. I guess Hannah, my stepmother, was a good influence.

I dashed up to my room, packing an overnight bag with essentials. Ben's address popped up on my phone screen – only a couple of blocks away. Arriving at his place, a girl who could've been his twin sister opened the door. Her smile was eerily similar to his, and equally captivating.

"Hey, you're Ben's friend, right? I'm Willow," she greeted with an affable grin.

"Nick. Pleasure to meet you," I replied, our handshake carrying more warmth than I expected.

"Nick, you're here! Let's head up to my room," Ben appeared, taking my hand like it was an unspoken agreement. My cheeks warmed up at the touch – a good weird, though.

Sitting on his bed, I found myself pleasantly surprised by its comfort. "Hope my sister wasn't too much of a handful," he said, apologetic.

"Not at all. She's cool. And it's uncanny how much you two resemble each other," I noted, giving him a playful wink.

"Yeah, we're twins," he grinned, as if it was some secret shared between us.

"Ah, that explains it," I replied, holding his gaze just a bit longer.

Ben, the master of transition, proposed, "So, what's our plan?"

"I'm up for anything, your house, your call," I replied, feeling my heart race as we locked eyes.

"How about a question game? You ask, I answer, then you ask, and I answer," he suggested, his gaze holding mine with an almost magnetic force.

"Sounds intriguing. Ladies first?" I challenged, a playful grin tugging at my lips.

He didn't flinch. "Why did you move here from Forest Hill?"

I opened up, "My parents split when I was 6. I mostly stayed with my mom until recently. She got a job offer in Australia, so I'm crashing with dad for a bit. Who knows how long."

"Your turn," I prompted.

"Why are you so concerned about me getting bullied?" Ben asked, his eyes dancing with curiosity.

"Freshman year was brutal for me. I got picked on a lot. I wouldn't want anyone, especially not you, to go through that," I admitted, my gaze unwavering.

"Why were you bullied?" he probed gently, curiosity mixed with genuine empathy.

"It's a part of my past I'd rather not talk about. Even though I trust you," I said, vulnerability simmering beneath my words.

"Alright, shifting gears. What's our food plan? Pizza, maybe?" he segued, his smile inviting.

"Sure, let's do it. But just so you know, I'm vegetarian," I disclosed, my eyes teasing him.

"Got it. What's your fancy, then?" he asked, his gaze narrowing just a tad.

"Just not that hungry," I replied, my grin growing wider.

"Come on, Nick. You gotta eat, you didn't even eat lunch" he argued, his concern a subtle brush against my heart.

"Okay, fine. I had noodles before coming," I admitted, his relentlessness breaking my defenses.

"Good enough. What about McDonald's?" he suggested, his eyes never leaving mine.

"Sure, I suppose. Fries, small," I agreed, knowing he had me.

"Deal. Large fry and a chocolate shake coming your way," he said, his grin hinting at something more mischievous.

I couldn't help but chuckle.

As we shared that moment, a silent understanding passed between us. There was more to this night than meets the eye, and I was definitely ready to see where it would take us.

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