What if... Smg4 never gave the remote back to Susan?

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The looker: We've seen this before a universe in the final days of destruction but this particular story... This one breaks my heart.

Saiko was on a motorbike driving through a city at night that was populated with millions of people now a destroyed city. Then she hears a bunch corrupted memes flying behind her.

Saiko: Here they come Luigi, get ready.

Then Luigi comes out of the shadows playing with weegee dolls.

Saiko: For godsake Luigi pay attention!

Luigi: Right, sorry.

He throws the dolls away and gets out a bow and a couple of arrows and fires them at the memes he most of them.

Saiko: Nice to see you're improving Luigi.

Luigi: Thanks sweetie.

Saiko blushes as more flying memes come towards her she turns to the left they follow her into a narrow area. Where she throws small bombs on the floor then they explode and destroy the memes Saiko drives out of the narrow area. As Luigi fires a few arrows at them, they look at him as he goes back into the building the memes flying down to the destroyed building. Luigi puts a bullet through one of the memes head, stabs another in the head then throws a grenade killing a few etc etc. He destroys most all them then henry stickmin rips his left arm off and starts doing his famous dance.

Luigi: AHH!

Earl: *Runs at him* Flint Lockwood!

Then Earl jumps at him sending both of them falling of the building as Saiko sees this in the distance and starts driving towards him. Luckily they land in snow as henry jumps down and lands next to earl as henry is about to grab him. Saiko drives up a piece of a building, jumps off and trys to decapitate but it doesn't hurt them so she just shoots them in the head.

Luigi: Hot.

Saiko blushes then realizes that luigi only has one arm.

Saiko: What happened to you Luigi!?

Luigi: Oh, one of the memes ripped my arms off.

Saiko: *Picks up Luigi and puts him on her shoulder* Don't worry Luigi I will heal you.

Luigi: *smiles* I love you Saiko.

Saiko: I love you too luigi.... I just wish the others were here.

Luigi: Me too.... So you really think the secret to defeating Smg4 is in a video game store?

Saiko: They're video game Luigi, Anything is possible.

The looker: The end of the world began with the defeat of a villain and a addiction that will forever haunt them.


The looker: *Looks at canon universe* Smg3 was just defeated in a rap battle by the smg4 crew and the anti-cast then smg3 coughs out the remote, smg4 catchs it, unpauses Susan, smg3 is sent to the internet graveyard and Smg4 gives susan back the remote. *Switchs back to the current universe* But in this universe Smg4 never gave the remote back instead he put it in his mouth and once his eyes turned red he only had one goal in mind.

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