Fully, forever?

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For the longest time, I've been riddled with the belief that I am cursed.
This unreasonable idea.
Ever Since the day I had to break a heart to save my own.
I have been stuck with this fear of being left behind, of being replaced.
Because to me.

I am replaceable.

I mean, after years and years of being exactly that.


Good enough, until someone better comes along.
Always, okay for now but not forever.
It sticks, in my heart like Little tiny cracks.
Each one bigger than the last.
Until I can't see the shape of a heart anymore.

Until all I see is a broken overused   


It works just the same, it's just not   


At least not Anymore.

Each crack is a piece held onto by someone else.

I've said the last few times that I don't think my heart could take anymore.

I don't think I'll be able to make it work again.

This curse.

Always makes me forget when I'm happy for the moment.
I think maybe I can be happy.
Maybe I can be loved fully.

Then I'm quickly humbled again.

Who could ever love me?



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