I'd hit him in a heartbeat now.

1 0 0

It was A song stuck on replay in my fuzzy mind.
A thought to remember, one I can't deny.
Not that I remember much.
Only Waves crashing on the rocks,
Tears and a not so gentle touch.
I remember laying there, looking at the sky.
Counting the stars with A heart broken.
Me, Vulnerable youth.
17, sad and someone you could use.
I told you no, more then I should've.
I told you I can't.
Still your cold hands were on my skin.
Pulling me up.
Forcing your hand down.
What could I do?
I was shaking.
I never said yes.
But you still took what you wanted.
That place was beautiful before, it was peaceful.

I haven't enjoyed the stars the same since.

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