When i was loved

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When I was loved.
I felt it in my nose.
The tingles and the warmth right in my toes.
The whispered "I love you" as the sun rose.
Now it's hollow wind, as I hold myself close.

You see When you loved me, I was as proud as I was happy.
My smile, unbreakable.
My heart was unshakable.

But now, all it takes is that look.
And suddenly your words strike me like a hook.

The old one, two, three.

Bringing me to my bloody knees.

Next Four, five, six.

I can't bear the thought of this.

I cough and I wheeze.
Holding my still beating heart to my chest.
Begging, pleading that you give me a rest.
"I hate you". You mumble.

It's The final blow.

I grip my heart as I feel it close.

"I- I never loved you"

That's when I felt my heart broke...

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