Chapter 1

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Fiona was walking through the woods until she decided to stop at a lake and take a break from traveling, then took off her bag and set it down as her Umbreon and Espeon joined her side.

Fiona: well you two it looks like we're stopping here for a bit what do you think? they both answered and Fiona let out the rest of her pokemon, so they can play and run around until Umbreon heard something and started growling.

Fiona: huh what is it girl?
Bonnie: whoa an Umbreon!
Serena: Bonnie you shouldn't run off like that (notices Fiona) oh hello.
Fiona: hi and sorry about my Umbreon she tends to go guard mode, i'm Fiona and you guys are?

Ash: i'm Ash and this is my buddy Pikachu.
Clement: i'm Clement and this my sister Bonnie.
Bonnie: and this Dedenne.
Serena: i'm Serena nice to meet you.
Fiona: nice to meet you guys these are my partners Shadow and Tia i gave them their names when they evolved.

Clement: seems fitting for a dark and psychic type how long did you have them, if you don't mind me asking Fiona?
Fiona: it's fine why don't you come sit you all look tired and i can tell you how i found them. everyone went to sit down and Fiona gave them each some tea she brewed.

Serena: thank you Fiona (smells the tea) mhm this smells wonderful what is it?
Fiona: Orin berry tea my own recipe, now when i was a little girl i found Shadow and Tia when they were Eevee's and Tia was injured so i saved them both and took them home with me, i live with my aunt in Alola she took me after my parents died in a car crash. so trained them and we became the best team along with the rest of my pokemon we all traveled and became a team.
Ash: your Noivern is so cool though Fiona and do you want to have a battle with me?
Fiona: (giggles) alright Ash which of my Pokemon's strength do you want to see?

Ash: how about Shadow what do you say girl?
Umbreon: Umbre.
Fiona: you sure you want to battle girl? Shadow nodded her head and walked with Fiona to start the battle.
Clement: alright you two ready?
Ash/Fiona: yea!
Clement: then get ready let's battle!
Fiona: Shadow use dark pulse.

*after the battle*

Ash: whoa your a strong trainer Fiona.
Fiona: (laughs) thanks Ash that's only cause i have a strong bond with Shadow and Tia we've been together a long time, right girls? they both answered and nuzzled Fiona.
Serena: just like me with Fennekin the same with Ash and Pikachu.

Fiona: i was just heading to the next town for the pokemon showcase i heard it's partners this time, Serena would you like to join me?
Serena: (eyes widened) i would love to Fiona and we'll make a great team!

*time skip*

once everyone made it to Fluerrh City then Fiona heard something which was something different to her.
Ash: huh Fiona are you alright?
Fiona: yeah i thought i heard something it sounded like a dragon type pokemon, hey Guys come on follow me i heard something over here. when they finally made it only to see something they'd never expect what laid on the ground was the legendary pokemon Arceus Fiona ran to him and wondered what happened.

Ash: uh it's Arceus what's he doing here?
Fiona: i don't know but he's hurt (notices injury) he has a few cuts and scrapes it will take some time to heal, my aunt taught me how to heal Pokemon's wounds.
Serena: she must of taught you a lot things how can we help?
Fiona: find some Orin berries they'll help heal him and some plant's can help heal these types of injuries. they all went of and scattered to help take care of Arceus's wounds.

Fiona: i need to find some fire wood so i can build a fire. after she found enough fire wood she grabbed a pokeball and knew what to do.
Fiona: Ponyta i need you!
Ponyta: (neighs)
Fiona: you think you can light the wood for me girl?
Ponyta: (neighs). so she did and the fire started heating up the water to clean the wounds on Arceus.

Arceus: who are you?
Fiona: (gasp) you can talk. my name is Fiona and are you alright Arceus?
Arceus: i was in a battle i got hurt from another pokemon but i can't remember which one.
Ash: hah Arceus your alright.
Arceus: Ash nice to see you again and you too Pikachu.

Serena: how is he?
Fiona: Arceus will be fine just needs to rest, cause the wounds look like their from a dragon type pokemon what if it was one of ice.
Ash: you mean Kyurem i actually ran into him right after i help Keldeo free his friends.
Fiona: wait did you say Keldeo i know him and the swords of justice they saved me when i was little and they became my friends.
Clement: wow you actually met those types of pokemon?
Fiona: yes when i was around Bonnie's age. back when my mom and dad were still around we were camping until there was a rock slide we ran i was separated from them, i started crying and then Keldeo came he cheered me up until i saw them Cobalion, Terrakion and Virizion they helped me find mom and dad then i gave them a gift to show my thanks so i gave them some snacks i made.

Bonnie: your really lucky i wish i could meet them.
Fiona: maybe one day Bonnie but you have to go to the Unova region to find them. i was told that Kyurem made himself a palace of ice.
Ash: yeah i was there and it looked cold.
Serena: now let's get some sleep we have big day tomorrow. everyone went to bed but Fiona was to worried about Arceus so she went to check on him saw that he was fine but didn't know what to do.
Arceus: you should be asleep with your friends.
Fiona: i couldn't sleep just wanted to make sure you were alright.

Arceus: i'm fine get some sleep you need your rest.
Fiona: alright but first Noivern come out girl.
Noivern: (roar)
Fiona: keep guard please. Fiona sat down and went to sleep next to Arceus then she felt a blanket on her.

*next morning*

Fiona felt Pikachu nudging her.
Fiona: (giggles) alright Pikachu i'm up you can stop nudging me huh did Arceus leave?
Ash: yeah he did but Arceus is grateful you helped his wounds.
Fiona: right but hey Bonnie want a ride on Ponyta?
Serena: wouldn't the mane burn you?
Fiona: nope she trusts me so i won't get burnt, how about Bonnie?

Bonnie: sure i never been on a Ponyta before she won't hurt me will she?
Fiona: no now let me help up. Fiona helped Bonnie onto Ponyta and then Fiona climbed on and gently kicked her side then Ponyta took off running and then stopped at a river, Fiona hopped off first and helped Bonnie off and they both walked to the waterfall.

Bonnie: wow this is so beautiful what do you think Fiona? Huh Fiona? Fiona was looking out at the river and sighed knowing she may never see any of her pokemon friends again.
Fiona: i'm sorry Bonnie it's just I'll be going home back to Alola and staying with my family i hope you'll never forget me Bonnie.

the girls both climbed back onto Ponyta's back and rode back to everyone. they all entered the city to get ready for the pokemon showcase. until there was a crash and Fiona ran towards it only to see another legendary pokemon.

Fiona: (gasp) oh my god Dialga Palkia are you alright?! please tell me Arceus didn't hurt you both? Dialga roared at Fiona and she knew who was hurting them.
Fiona: it was Kyurem wasn't it? why is he hurting you both? Palkia roared telling her who had done it.
Ash: no way Palkia and Dialga are they alright?
Fiona: no their not Kyurem hurt them both but the question is why? why is he hurting other pokemon this doesn't make sense i had spent some time in a dragon village and learned about Kyurem.

Fiona: Dialga can you and Palkia take me to where you battled Kyurem please i can help you both. Dialga lowered himself and let Fiona climb onto his back.

Fiona: Noivern let's go girl! Noivern had came out and looked at Fiona.
Ash: huh what're you doing?
Fiona: Ash you guys climb onto Noivern's back at least two of you and Serena give me your hand hurry let's go i have to stop Kyurem from hurting any more pokemon and i grantee we'll be back in time for the showcase i promise now let's go!

*time skip*

they all had made it to the old mines where Kyurem lives. and Fiona was about to head in until she heard someone call her name.
Keldeo: Fiona it's you! Fiona turned around and saw her friends the swords of justice.
Fiona: Keldeo i missed you my friend you look stronger.
Virizion: he has but what are you doing here?
Ash: Palkia and Dialga got attacked by Kyurem!

Cobalion: what but that's impossible.
Fiona: try telling that to Arceus i found him wounded and hurt by a slash attack only Kyurem could know that and i helped tend the wounds, now i'm going in there and confronting Kyurem for hurting them if see one more legendary pokemon get hurt i will find who ever is responsible for it.

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