chapter 3

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Fiona was outside and she was practicing some moves until she tripped and landed on the ground, until Shadow walked over and nuzzled her friend.
Fiona: (chuckles) i know your worried about me girl but i'm fine, i just wonder if Jackie is out there being a pokemon ranger really is cool. and i want to be one myself since i'm eighteen and i want to help protect Pokemon, Mom may have been a performer but not me i know she would respect my decision.
Lusamine: i'm sure she would agree. but if you wanna be a ranger please be careful and i know you can do it, you've been working hard with Shadow and Tia at least you got her a collar. to tell her from Gladion's.
Fiona: yup i had to get a purple collar since it suits her better since she picked it out, i also changed up my outfit to a new Umbreon dress it's a little off my shoulders and has no sleeves and i have some new gloves to go with it. Lusamine smiled at her niece and heard Hobbes call for her and she walked to the foyer to see a young man there.

Lusamine: hello and you are?
Jackie: i'm Jack Walker call me Jackie i'm looking for a girl named Fiona and a kid named Ash.
Lusamine: oh you mean my niece she's outside in the backyard but be careful, she's training out there and she tends to stay focused. Jackie nodded and went outside to the backyard and saw young girl throwing something toward her Umbreon and she caught it, then tossed something to her Skitty and Espeon they both caught it then they landed on the ground.
Fiona: alright that's my girls your doing great now we're on the right track, try a little more speed Skitty i know you can do it. Skitty nodded and jumped into Fiona's arms as she nuzzled her trainer, Fiona laughed as she petted Skitty Jackie smiled as he saw the bond between Fiona and her Pokemon.
Jackie: you have a special bond with your Pokemon don't you?
Fiona: yeah their my family Shadow and Tia have been by my side since i was a little girl, that was when they were Eevee's and their my girls. and you are?
Jackie: Jack Walker call me Jackie and you seem like you have the making's of a Pokemon Ranger.

Fiona: thanks my parents did too but sadly they passed away when i was a kid. let bring out the rest of my girls come on out guys! once their pokeball's were thrown they both came out and went up to Fiona as she put a hand on both their heads.
Jackie: a Ponyta and what's the one on your left?
Fiona: my Noivern she's a strong girl i trained her since she was a Noibat i found her in the Kalos region, and the same with my Liepard although with Pachirisu. Pachirisu climbed onto Fiona's head and sat there while Fiona chuckled what her friend did.

*next day*

when Fiona made it to the school and saw Jackie sitting with Ash as they were talking then she walked over the gym set, and climbed onto the bars and sat down on them.
Mallow: hey Fiona!
Fiona: hey Mallow if your going to ask about Jackie just ask Ash he knows him. i just met him yesterday and he heard about how i want to become a Pokemon Ranger myself.
Lana: how come?
Fiona: my Dad he was one himself before he retired and he taught me all i know, and Mom taught me all i know for pokemon performances. and i want to make them proud as the girl i have become (jumps down) and now i shall become a ranger through hard work and my pokemon will be by my side, as we do it together like a family we are. Shadow and Tia both jumped on Fiona and she fell to the ground as she laughed while being nuzzled by her pokemon, Jackie heard it and looked over at Fiona with a smile on his face.
Jackie: hey Ash how long have you known Fiona?
Ash: we met in the Kalos region she was taking a break in the woods with Shadow and Tia, but now she's become stronger and i gotta admit her outfit looks great. Fiona's outfit was a sleeveless Umbreon dress with a belt and fingerless black gloves as she wore her Espeon choker.

Jackie: i think she'll make a great Ranger one day but what if that day was today. and i think she's really beautiful the way she works with her Pokemon, Fiona will become a great ranger.
Ash: you'll have to get past Gladion he really cares about Fiona and Lily, if you can beat them both in a battle against Snowy and Lycanroc. so i wish you luck Jackie.
Jackie: thanks Ash but what if i battled her Aunt first she seems like a kind woman, any pokemon ideas for me? Ash nodded and went to help Jackie out they both went to get Jackie a few Pokemon then saw Fiona riding home on Noivern.

*at the Manor*

Noivern landed on the ground and Fiona climbed off of her back then pulled out her pokeball.
Fiona: thanks for the ride girl go ahead and return until i can bring you out later. after Noivern returned to her pokeball Fiona went inside and walked up to her room as she plopped down on her bed. then Tia jumped up and laid next to Fiona as she petted her then heard talking from downstairs and went to into the hall only to see it was Lusamine and Jackie.
Lusamine: i see you wanna challenge me i hope you know what your doing.
Jackie: i do instead of my Capture Ron i will be battling with my new friend from Professor Sycamore, come on out Garchomp. once the Pokeball was thrown Garchomp came out and nuzzled Jackie as he put a hand on his snout.
Jackie: you ready big guy?
Garchomp: Gar.
Lusamine: alright follow me Lily can you get Fiona i think she would want to see this. the girls both walked outside and sat down at the table.


Lily and Fiona both sat down and got ready to watch the battle Jackie was being a gentlemen and let Lusamine go first.
Lusamine: well aren't you a well mannered young man alright let's go Clafairy!
Jackie: alright Garchomp let's go!

*after the battle*

Lusamine: your good it's no wonder your a ranger. if Fiona joins we'll gladly support her like the family we are and i know she can do it. Fiona smiled and walked up to her Aunt as they both hugged each other.
Lusamine: would you stay for dinner Jackie?
Jackie: of course.

*mini time skip*

after heading to the Pokemon School Fiona was surprised by what was going on, and saw her family there along with all her friends.
Fiona: uh what is going on?
Lusamine: we wanted to throw this party for you cause well Ash if you'd please?
Ash: your officially a Pokemon Ranger! Fiona was taken back by the news and smiled cause her dream had came true, and Lily hugged her cousin as she hugged back.
Lily: congratulations i knew you would do it.
Fiona: thanks Lily now i need to proper uniform to become a ranger don't i?
Jackie: you do and your Aunt remembered that something was left for you.
Lusamine: your Mom was also once a Pokemon Ranger herself (holds out box) this is for you, so go ahead and try it on let us now if you need getting it on. Fiona nodded and went to try the outfit on and look at herself then walked outside and everyone saw how she looked.
Mallow: wow you look great!

Kiawe: it's a great look on you

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Kiawe: it's a great look on you.
Fiona: thanks and i'm glad to be a Ranger now and i will make my parent's proud they were the best rangers when i was a kid, and now i'm one too just like my Mom and Dad even my grandparents.
Kukui: they'd be very proud of you Fiona. Fiona smiled as she jumped onto a rock and looked out at the sea then went to join everyone for food, they all ate enough food and had some fun.

*night time*

it was now night and everyone was camping on the beach until a Picchu came over to Fiona, she smiled and picked up the little one
and hugged it close as Picchu climbed onto her shoulder.
Jackie: i see Picchu really likes you.
Fiona: yeah it's cute and i think Picchu is a boy like Pikachu but if this little guy, wants to be my friend then go for it cutie. hey Jackie thanks for having faith in me i never thought this would happen to a girl like me, i trained hard with Shadow and Tia when they were Eevee's still and we worked hard together day and night together. Jackie smiled as he sat down on the ground next to Fiona and he looked out at the sea.
Jackie: i remember finding a Manaphy egg a long time ago its the prince of the sea, and it bonded with a girl named May. i helped keep it safe Manaphy was happy when it had friends to play with.
Fiona: i can imagine how happy Manaphy was but at least you helped out Jackie, also i never met a guy like you before you really do a great job protecting Pokemon.
Jackie: yeah well i have traveled all over the world but this Alolan Pokemon are incredible if you want to have a battle, then let's go if your up for thee challenge.

Jackie: bring it on. Fiona grabbed the pokeball that kept Noivern and she kissed it for good luck.
Fiona: alright my friend let's go!

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