chapter 4

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as the Pokeball was thrown Noivern came out and Growled at something both Jackie and Fiona saw it was Ash's Lycanroc, it's fur was covered in dirt then whistled for a friend and they jumped out of the water then blasted Lycanroc gently. after being sprayed by water Fiona helped clean him off and then he shook off the water and Fiona, laughed from getting soaked from the water then looked up at Fiona.
Fiona: feel better Lycanroc? Lycanroc barked and got petted by Fiona and Noivern looked at the pokemon that came out of the water.
Jackie: a Vaporeon.
Fiona: yeah it was my best friend and i found a water stone to help him evolve, Vaporeon is Shadow and Tia's best friend their siblings i found all three of them when they hatched. they thought of me as their Mom and i took care of them since then we were like a family, i missed you buddy you've gotten strong. right before Jackie could say something Fiona's phone went off and she answered to hear her aunt's voice on the other end, to hear something was taken from her lab and she understood if it was Sivally.
Fiona: Jackie i'm going to need your help my cousin Gladion his Sivally was taken and i need help getting it back.
Jackie: you got it let's go. they both went to the ruins and saw something wasn't right.

Fiona: we're going to need a lift Noivern let's go! Noivern landed on the ground Fiona and Jackie climbed on then Noivern took off and they all heard something. it was Team Rocket Fiona told Noivern to send gust at them then landed on the ground and climbed off of Noivern.
Fiona: you stole Sivally if you did that then where's Gladion!
James: oh he's fine but we got all his pokemon. Fiona was about to strangle James but got held back by Jackie.
Jackie: calm down i'm sure your Aunt sent help just focus on helping Sivally, i will help you out. right before Fiona could say anything everyone all heard a roar and another sound they looked up to the sky to see two legendary Pokemon Fiona recognized them.
Fiona: Zekrom Reshiram! i don't believe it your here my friends!
Reshiram: we had a feeling you would need our help.
Fiona: let's go guys give Team Rocket all you got Liepard help them out you too Pachirisu, Ponyta, Shadow and Tia you guys too! Vaporeon you too! they went to fight and Fiona saved Sivally and remembered the disk Gladion gave her, and showed it to Sivally.
Fiona: Sivally please accept this power let's give you some dragon strength help our friends out!

*tiny skip*

Fiona ran over to the cage and helped Gladion out since she's his older cousin they walked out and Fiona got spooked by, Rotom and shook her head and gently set Gladion down so he could rest.
Fiona: just lye still you'll be fine i promise Gladion now we need to get you home, you need to rest and recover i don't know what Team Rocket did to you but they won't ever do it again.
Gladion: how is it you know the legendary dragons?
Fiona: i ran into them while i was visiting the town they stay in but i also met Kyrum a long time ago, so guess i we all became friends i treat them with respect as they do the same to me. Reshiram Zekrom can you give us a ride back the beach?
Zekrom: climb on our backs. they all climbed onto the dragons backs and they took off but Jackie was curious about Fiona and wanted to know more.

*at the beach*

Lusamine brought the car over and took Gladion home as she waved at her Aunt.
Fiona: thank you both now you can head on home your the guardians of your home, good luck guys. they both left and Fiona waved at them then turned to Jackie.
Fiona: how about i take you to get some food Jackie my treat.
Jackie: thank you Fiona perhaps get your team something to eat too.
Fiona: always do but for their bravery i shall give them some poke puffs as a reward. they both went to Mallow's family restaurant and got a seat.
Mallow: hey guys Lily told me about Gladion i'm sure he's going to be fine, but how about some food you guys.
Fiona: sure and thanks Mallow also i will be getting my Pokemon some poke puffs for a reward, for all their hard fighting.
Mallow: alright but but go ahead and show Jackie around. Fiona nodded and leaned back in her seat.

Fiona: so Jackie Ash told me about how he helped save a Manaphy i can only imagine how cute it was, but it must be hard for May to let Manaphy go.
Jackie: she did the right thing but tell me how do you know those legendary pokemon?
Fiona: this might sound silly but i met the swords of justice when i was a kid, i got lost i was separated from my parents during a thunder storm. we were camping but we never thought a storm would happen i was only eight years old when that happened, and then i saw something a bright green then i looked up and saw Virizion.


Fiona was surprised to see Virizion and Virizion lowered her head to Fiona, as she nudged her and Fiona sniffled a bit.
Virizion: why are you sad little one?
Fiona: i got separated from my parents during the storm and i can't find them anywhere. Virizion laid down and stayed by Fiona's side as she got scared by the thunder and hugged Virizion.
Virizion: it's alright climb on my back and we can find a saw place to stay until morning, then we can find your parents. Fiona nodded and climbed onto Virizion's back as she took off and found a cave where it was safe. Fiona climbed off and wondered if her parents were alright, but then heard the sound of feet then saw it was Cobalion and Terrakion Keldeo was with them but still very young.
Cobalion: a human child where did she come from?
Virizion: separated from her parents and she was freezing from the rain so i brought her here to warm up, and i was told her name is Fiona.
Keldeo: hi are you alright?
Fiona: no i miss my Mom and Dad.

Cobalion: we will help you find your parents in the morning. Fiona nodded and went to sleep while Keldeo was next to her asleep.
it was now morning and Fiona was on Terrakion's back as he was walking and heard voices and knew it was her parents, Fiona jumped off of Terrakion's back and ran to her parents but not before she said good bye.
Fiona: thank you all for helping me find my family i'm grateful to you all.
Virizion: we will always be with you Fiona.
Cobalion: she's right be safe on your way home.
Terrakion: we'll see you again soon kid.
Keldeo: good bye.
Fiona: (hugs Keldeo) good bye Keldeo i hope you become a swords of justice your strong enough to train hard, good bye guys. Mom Dad! they both Fiona's voice and they saw her running towards them.

*end of flashback*

Fiona: they became my friends that day and i brought them macrons i baked for them, and they became my friends the same with Mew. we would always play together when ever he came to visit i may have lived in the Unova region but i have Alola in my blood, but i have traveled since i was Ash's age.
Jackie: wow your a really special girl Fiona i see your parents had an amazing daughter. Fiona blushed from Jackie saying that and paid for the food like she said, and they both walked to a bake shop that sells Poke puffs and Fiona got seven she wanted to be nice to Garchomp. after paying for the puffs they went outside and let out their pokemon then Fiona gave a puff to everyone, they all thanked her and she smiled at them.
Fiona: here Garchomp for you i picked up a special one for you. Garchomp ate and nuzzled Fiona as she laughed.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 25, 2023 ⏰

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