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-Sky: "Well... I can use the all-seeing eye spell to see how is he..."-"Wait! Where's my backpack?"-

-Mabel: "Dipper got the wrong one!"-

-Sky: "Oh no..."-"We have to find him!"_


-Dipper: "levitato, revive spell, flying kitten spell? what's all this?!"-

-"...The sucking souls pell?! I knew it! Sky's evil!"-

(Someone touchs Dipper's shoulder)


-Ford: "Dipper calm down! It's me, great uncle Ford"-

-Dipper: "grunkle Ford?"-"What are you doing here"-

-Stan: "My brother has detected anormalies near the mystery shack"-

-Dipper: "grunkle Stan?"-

-Ford: "Do you know who's causing the anormalies?"-

-Dipper: "Y-yes I do!"-


-Mabel and Sky: "Dipper?"-"Dipper where are your?"-

(Dipper comes from a bush)

-Dipper: "Aha!"-

-Mabel and Sky: "Dipper!"-

-Dipper: "Sky's evil and I have the proof!"-

(Dipper takes out her book of spells)


-Mabel: "Flying kitten spell? Sky, you never told me about that spell!"-

-Sky: "I'm sorry, I don't like people thinking that I'm a weirdo making weird spells"-

-Dipper: "No, not that"-


-Mabel: "The soul sucking spell? Sky..."-

-Sky: "It isn't my spell, my stepfather teached me it because he wants me to be evil"-

-Dipper: "Wait, what?"-

-Mabel: "Dipper! Stop fighting with Sky just because she's from another dimension!"-

-Ford: "Another dimension?"-

-Mabel: "great uncle Ford!"-

(Mabel hugs Ford)

-Ford: "this isn't the time for hugs, I have detected anormalies on here..."-

-Dipper: "It is probably from Sky!"-

-Ford: "Let me see, yes, it is"-

-Stan: "what a waste of time"-

-Mabel: "grunkle stan!"-

-Stan: "Hey there kiddo"-

-Ford: "Well, from what dimension are you?"-

-Sky: "I'm from mewni, hey give me back my things!"-

(Sky gets her backpack)

-Ford: "hmmm... never heard of that dimension before... Maybe we should stay in here this summer Stanley"-

-Stan: "Well, if that means spend time with my nephew and my niece, then be it!"-

-Mabel and Dipper: "yay!"-

-Stan: "Who wants a piggyback ride from your grunkle?"-

-Dipper and Mabel: "Me!"-

(They go away)

-Sky: "I wish my stepfather did that to me..."-

-Ford: "So, how's your dimension"-

-Sky: "I would show you but I can't leave earth"-"but I can tell you that my mom's the queen of mewni"-

-Ford: "So you'rre the princess"-

-Sky: "yeah..."-

-Ford: "What's wrong?"-

-Sky: "Being a princess is a hard job... but, my sister is the one who lives in the castle... I just live in a forest..."-

-Ford: "That might have been a hard life for you..."-

-Sky: "Yeah... but I had my stepfather with me"-

-Ford: "you seem like a nice girl, I don't know why Dipper hates you so much"-

-Sky: "Same..."-

-Ford: "I'll talk to him, now let's get back"-

(In the shack)

-Mabel: "Sky! What about that flying kitten spell"-

-Sky: "Oh yeah! let me show you!"-

-"flying kitten spell"-

(a kitten with wings appears)

-Kitten: "Hello!"-

-Mabel: "Aww! She's so cute!"-

-Kitten: "Thank you!"-

-Ford: "See Dipper? She's innocent"-

-Dipper: "I just think she has something to do with Bill..."-

-Ford: "Bill?"-

(They both look at Sky)

-Dipper: "yeah, I don't know why but..."-

-"I just feel like it..."-


GETTING BANISHED TO GRAVITY FALLS AT 3 AM (GONE WRONG) (things changes)Where stories live. Discover now