3 0 0

-Moon: "Did you hear a sound?"-

(Star kicks door)

-Star: "Mom!"-

-Moon: "Star! what did I tell you abou-"-

-Star: "We don't have time to discuss, Sky's in danger"-

-Moon: "What?"-

-Toffee: "There's no time to explain, we need to go"-

(They go trough portal)

-Toffee: "Where's Sky?"-

-Mabel: "She's at Bill's castle"-

(Mabel points at it)

-Moon: "Bill? Who's that?"-

-Star: "Mom, we have to save Sky"-

-Moon: "yeah, but how strong is he?"-

-Toffee: "He's immortal"-

-Moon: "What?!"-


-Star: "Ok, we're almost there"-

-Moon: "I don't think this is a good idea..."-

-Star: "just trust me"-

-Sky: "Ahhh!"-

-Star: "Hear that? that might be Sky!"-

-Toffee: "We need to hurry"-

(moon sighs)

-Moon: "fine..."-

-Sky: "Ahhhh!"-

-Bill: "What do you say guys, another 500 volts?"-

-monsters: "yeah!"-

-Sky: "No, Please, NOO!!"-

-Sky: "Ahhh!"-

-Bill: "Ready to talk?"-

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-Bill: "Ready to talk?"-

-Sky: "No! I'll never tell you where's my dad!"-

-Bill: "Ok then"-

-Sky: "No... not Another 500 volts!"-


-"I... will... never... tell... you..."-

-Bill: "Kid you're making this difficult for yourself..."-

-Star: "Leave her alone!"-

-Bill: "Well well well, isn't this... INTERESTING?!"-

-Star: "Rainbow fist-punch!"-

-Bill: "Oww! my eye!"-

-Sky: "Sis!"-

-Star: "Sky!"-

-"you ok?"-

-Sky: "yes..."-

(Sky falls)

-Star: "Sky!"-

(Star helps Sky's to get up)

-Sky: "I can't..."-


-"my leg hurts..."-

-Star: "Don't worry"-

-"we're here to help you!"-

(Star smiles at Sky)

-Sky: "Thank you sis"-

-Moon: "I'm sorry to ruin the moment but we're surrended..."-

-Bill: "give it up!"-

-Sky: "Never!"-

-Bill: "Come on kid! Youre nothing without your magic, you're useless"-

-Sky: "..."-

-Star: "If she's useless then I'm useless"-

-Bill: "what?"-

-Moon: "No sweetie you aren't"-

-Star: "If being useless means everytime you fail you never give up and being a hero, then, yes! I'm useless too!"-

-Sky: "Sis..:"-

-Toffee: "I'm useless too"-

(Dipper and Mabel walks into)

-Mabel: "I'm useless too!"-

-Dipper: "I'm..."-

(Dipper looks at Sky)

-"useless too"-


-Stan: "I'm useless too"-

-Ford: "So I am"-

(Star looks at Moon)

-Moon: "I... I'm... useless too..."-

-Dipper: "you said in this world there was no heroes..."-

-"But... There are heroes! Star's right, Sky has helped us so much, she doesn't need magic to do great things because, she's a hero!"-

(Dipper smiles at Sky)

-Moon: "I don't think any of that is going to help us..."-

-Star: "Mom, just trust me for one day..."-

-Bill: "yeah the blue lady is right, how is that going to help you defeat me?!"-

-Star: "Narwhal blast!"-

-Bill: "No! my eye again!"-

-Star: "Let's go!"-

-Sky: "But how are we going to get pass these monsters?"-

-Star: "Easy there"-

-"Narwhal blast!"-

-"go go go!"-

(They run to an exit)

-"Rainbow fist-punch!"-

-Sky: "my magic is still gone"-

-Moon: "How is that possible?"-

-Dipper: "look! an exit!"-

(Bill blocks the way)

-Bill: "you aren't going anywhere"-


GETTING BANISHED TO GRAVITY FALLS AT 3 AM (GONE WRONG) (things changes)Where stories live. Discover now