Anne-esthetics: An Original Oneshot

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As soon as Mrs Boonchuy and I got Anne back in the car, we were on our way back. I pulled out my phone to record her on anesthesia. "Mom, you're driving like a slug!" Anne complained. "Get to the house!" "Hey, Anne, who do we know in Amphibia that has a snail?" I asked. "Hop Pop." Anne replied. "Do you remember when Sprig wanted us to take Bessie for a spin?" "Yeah." I couldn't help but laugh.

"When does Suspicion Island start?" Anne asked. "I don't know." I explained. "You want me to check?" "No, I have a phone, I can check all by myself." Anne replied, grabbing her phone and struggling to unlock it. "You want me to unlock your phone?" I asked. "It works on my thumb." Anne explains. "That's how technology is." I started laughing again. "I have a lot of pictures of you, me, and Sprig. Where is he?" Anne asked. "He went with Hop Pop and Polly to take Domino and Thor to the vet." I explained. "I love froggys." Anne said. "I know you do." I replied.

"What do you want to eat when we get home, Anne?" Mrs Boonchuy asked. "How do you expect me to eat, Mom?" Anne questioned. "I can't even feel my mouth." "Would you like me to make you a smoothie?" I asked. "You look like Hop Pop." Anne replied, causing me to laugh. "Have you tried sleeping with your eyes open?" "I have not." I giggled. "But you didn't answer my question. Did you want a smoothie?" "Can we get iced coffee?" Anne asked. "Absolutely not." Mrs Boonchuy replied.

"Rowboat, why aren't you with your mom?" Anne asked. "My mom has been gone for 6 years, Anne." I replied as tears began forming in her eyes. "No, your mom is alive, I saw her this morning." "That was Rosalina, my sister." "No, it was your mom!" Anne bawled. "Or was it Sprig and Polly's mom?"

"Anne, question for you, if the house caught on fire and you had to save someone, would it be Domino, or Polly?" I asked. "THE CAT, YOU IDIOT!" Anne shouted. "Polly's a baby, why wouldn't you save her?" I asked. "Have you seen Polly? She has legs now, even before that, she's been able to defend herself." Anne explains. "Heck, she could escape on her own, I say leave her, GRAB DOMINO!"

Mrs Boonchuy stopped in front of the driveway as both of us helped Anne inside.

Anne and Rowena: Teen Girls in a Frog WorldWhere stories live. Discover now