Team Placement

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Sasuke or umm Indra? opened her pitch black eyes to find herself staring at the white celling of the hospital.

"Wait why am I in the hospital." Thought sasuke as the memories of yesterday came back to her. The clan massacre, Itachi, Indra.
She soon felt the her headache as the memories of different lives lived cam to her, the life of Indra Ōtsusuki, the life of Madara Uchiha being the most prominent if them all.

After all of this only one thing came to mind "Ashura".

She soon disconnected herself from the machines that were holding them and got up. She sent a very thin layer of chakra out of her body to surround the entire village. At first it didn't work. "Damn, me awakening has forced Ōtsusuki chakra into my body and it will take sometime to properly adjust to the more potent chakra. I need to train and get my control back over my chakra." Thought Sasuke as she focused her chakra and again tried to send a wave and it did work this time.

She was trying to look for Ashura. In the theory of Ninshu it was stated that when similar Chakra resonate with eachother they combine and react together. Her and Ashura had used this theory to develop a sort of tracking jutsu. The user would send a thin pulse of chakra to the surrounding area and if the other person would be within the area they user would know there location. Their chakra worked liked the beacon for the caster of the Jutsu.

She soon felt the simmilar feeling of Ashura's calm and bright and warm chakra rubbing against her chaotic, more electric chakra. Although the traces of Ashura's chakra were low she could identify that chakra anywhere. There was a powerful feeling to that chakra something old,something ancient, something powerful. Powerful in a way only an Ōtsusuki could be.

She lept from her window and was running straight to where the traces of Ashura's chakra took her, she had to see who had her brother choose to reincarnate as. She soon arrived at an apartment that wasn't in the best of conditions although it could be a lot worst she thought. She soon arrived at the door to the room where Ashura's chakra was the most potent. She was now nervous. "What if he doesn't want to do anything with me? I mean as forgiving as Ashura was no body could forgive am attempt at your life, much less in each of your reincarnation.". " Wait did he even remember his previous life, she had only learned about I'd because of the Massacre. Had Ashura even been in a situation which would work as a trigger to remember?" "What would happen if he rejected me? What would I do then?" All these questions flooded through her head.(No the Prodigy of Ōtsusuki clan wasn't having seconds thoughts.)

She shook her head, she'll deal with the consequences when they came right now she needed to see her otouto. She knocked on the door. Soon the loch on the door clicked unlocked. Her breath hitched, this was the moment she'd waited for thousands of years. To see Ashura again, she could finally hug him, KISS him again. The door slowly opened reveling a mop of sunny blonde messy hair, sun kissed skin, three whiskers on each side of his face. The door opened to reveal................Naruto.

She honestly felt like laughing at the irony of the situation. She had without knowing formed a sort of bond with Naruto. She had been the first to play with him in the park, the first one to interact with him. This was the reason as to why, whenever she looked at the blonde she felt as though she should remember something. The reason as to why his smile seemed so familiar, so Ashura. The reason as to why she felt so connected to him. She already had formed a bond with Ashura without even realising it, again.

"What are you doing here Sasuke?" Asked a very confused Naruto.

"Ashura" she wanted to say, but the question meant that he hadn't yet remembered. This made her a little sad but still she had to continue. She couldn't force him to remember if he regained his memories through an outside force then it could very well fracture his brain. Sh had to wait for him to remember, even if he didn't remember, she could still reconnect or connect in Naruto's case to him as Sasuke if she couldn't as Indra.

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