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Darkjaden: Yes Sasuke does have mangekyou but what I wanted with that scene was the Union of Naruto and Sasuke both figuratively and literally. Either of the attack could have stopped the lousy attacks but it was their subconscious decision to protect eachother. He protected her and she protected him without thinking. A show of their bond and union and love if you will.

sten227: I understand what you're saying but the thing is they're not JUST Naruto and Sasuke anymore. They are as much Indra and Ashura as they are Sasuke and Naruto. However that doesn't mean that I'll make Naruto this super smart perfect character that knows answer to every question or is super serious or make Sasuke a social butterfly no both of them are gonna be more or less the same as in cannon. This does however mean that there will have some moments where they contradict their cannon counterpart. Also there are some things that only Indra and Ashura knows. Naruto and sasuke just can't know somethings. Those are the moments where I use Ashura and Indra.

And those of who you're wondering Sasuke's  mangekyou sharingan is the spiral design that was originally meant for Indra. I really like the spiral design.

Anyways Let's go on with the Story.


It had been a whole of 3 days since the attack on the bridge. Everyone had recovered enough to atleast walk and have some light training in, everyone except............Naruto. Naruto had been out for 3 days straight while Sasuke knew the reason and Shino and the bridge builders family showed it up to Chakra exhaustion but Kakashi knew better. No normal ninja even wet behind the ear Genin could stay down form chakra exhaustion for 3 days straight
. Even less with Uzumaki and their insane vitality and recovery and Naruto's "Condition"  helps with the recovery as well. What was up with those monstrously powerful Jutsus those didn't even seem like A rank Jutsus those were S rank Jutsus borderline crossing it and not towards the A rank side.
Where had they learnt those Jutsu? Sasuke he could understand maybe he went through the Uchiha library and found the Jutsu but where did Naruto get his jutsu and when did Naruto even learn about Elemental Jutsu in the first place? Most ninjas tend to pick up elemental jutsu after being a chunin or during the training phase during the third phase of chinin exams. He hadn't taught him that he had just taught him tree walking and team based exercise. 'Huh I really should be training my team more. They have some type of teamwork. I mean even if Naruto and Sasuke (although Sasuke mostly ignored Naruto) act like they hate eachother, they have insane teamwork. The trick with the shuriken against the fight with Zabuza was clear indication of that. Even their chakra had been in perfect sync with eachother the amount of chakra as well as it seems their chakra were similar in a fashion'as Minato-sensei had taught him that when similar Chakra comes into contact it react and mixes with eachother. So were they connected somehow maybe one night Minato-sensei, Kushina-san and Mikoto-san got dirty with it and then...... ' I'm reading way to much Icha Icha paradise aren't I. Ohh That reminds me a new icha icha book is coming out, I'll have to track Jiraya-sama down to make him sign the new book.' Kakashi shook his head now is not the time for icha icha now is the time to worry about his students.
As he was thinking even if they hate each other which they clearly don't if that long kiss was any indication. He always thought Sasuke felt perticular way about Naruto as she often stole side glances at the blonde when she thought no-one was watching. The longing in her eyes were as if she had lived another life with him.

'Anyways as I was saying how the hell did Naruto know the "MOKUTON" although Naruo hadn't called out the specific words but that was mokuton alright. And what was up with the weird chants "Ninja creed" what was "Ninja creed"? I'll have to ask them when Naruto wakes up' Kakashi thought. It would have been easier to talk to Sasuke about it but she hadn't left Naruto side ever since the bridge. Even when he called her to practice waterwalking she just made the handseals and several shadow clones appeared out of the smoke as they all took a glance at Naruto and went with Kakashi to train.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 14, 2021 ⏰

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