Naruto.......Ōtsusuki Part-1

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As i've said we'll continue this chapter with the Lands of waves arc with Naruto will remember 'll also grt to see how kurama also fells about this whole situation any ways let's get started.
The client and team 7 have been on their way towards the lands of wave when kakashi noticed a water puddle but acted as though he didn't notice it. From the corner of his eye he saw that Naruto was rambling as usual but Shino and Sasuke had taken noticed of the puddle as well.

As soon as they passed the puddle a chain rapped around Kakashi and cut right through him. Naruto was horrified but Sasuke quickly jumped towards the enemy, Shino also sent his bugs to drain as much chakra as possible while taking a protective stance around the clinet. Naruto was to scared to move this was his first ever battle experiance(Not really but he didn't know that yet).Sasuke knocked out one of the thugs with a well placed Katon Jutsu, but the other had got to Naruto and had impaled the dorsum of his palm with a poisoned kunai, this angered her before she could knock he other Kakashi appeared from the trees and knocked him out.

"Good work Sasuke with noticing the Genjutsu and dealing with a chunin level shinobi on your own. Shino good thinking on sending bugs to support your teammate as well as protecting the client." told Kakashi as he looked as his students asll he got was a nod from both of them, Kakashi soon looked at Naruto "I'm sorry for not helping you right away Naruto, i got your hurt but i didn't think you'd freeze up on the spot. anyways tie tem up and let's get going." said Kakashi while tieing te demon brothers to a tree and sending a dog to the Hokage to collect them.

Meanwhile Naruto was going through and inernal dilema 'Sasuke and Shino were able to help in their own way. Sasuke defeated one of them while Shino drained their chakra. Why did i freeze up?' the blone asked himself. 'Sasuke didn't freeze up like me why? She even saved me from those Ninja. Why can't i reach her? No matter how hard i try or train i just can't reach her.
It's like there is a ig wall between her an i that i just cant climb.' After the massacer she had just stopped acknowledging him, before that they used to play together hell she'd been his first friend and now she just completely avoids him like he didn't exist. Hate he could take anger he could endure but disacknowledgement he could not take.

'That's it from now on i will not freeze up in the face of denger.'
He thought before taking out a kunai and pushed it in the open wound. "Upon this wound i take this pledge i will not cower in the face of denger, i will never go back on my word"
He took the vow, Indra felt a small quirk on her lip as she heard those words. This was the Ashura she knew, never backing down from anything.

They soon continued on their mission as the neared a river bank when Naruto threw a Kunai at a bush nearby. Sasuke quirked her eyebrows and activated her Sharingan to chcek for chakra signals. She trusted Ashura with Sensing as he was more atuned with Nature and because of that more accustomed with Sensing. A white bunny came out of the bush, this caused Kakashi and Indra to put up their guard as a white rabbit didn't come out in this season."DUCK" yelled Kakashi as kakashi dragged the client and everyone ducked on their own, as a giant blade came cousing through and imbaded itself on the tree opposite from them. Soon a man jumped on the sword "Copy Ninja Kakashi it's and honour to meet you. I have no intention to fight you, so give me the bridgebuilder and i'll let you and your brats go." The man said. "Zabuza Momochi the demon of the mist, i'm afraid i can't do that." said Kakashi uncovering his covered eye to reveal a fully matured Sharingan. " Well that's a pity. Ohh! reveling the Sharingan so early in the battle i'm honoured". with this said both the men jumoed into battle.

The battle lasted for some minutes before Zabuza tricked Kakashi and traped into a water prison. Kakashi feared for his Genin as thid could very well cost them their life and it would be on his hand. The life of his sensei's son as well as Sauske who was last of Obito's kin as well as the Aburame clan heir. He cursed himself for overesteming his own battle skills."RUN! this battle ended the time i got caught." he yelled from inside the prison.

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