The Dinner

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Gods how I wish I had a thicker cloak.

Another shiver ran through the Princess as she and her father followed King Orobus and her soon-to-be through the front hall towards the dining hall doors. It was absolutely freezing here, and it made her wish for the warm sun back in Vessuiya.

As they followed the King and the Prince, Evenin glanced around the hall, looking at anything she could to focus on instead of thinking about the cold or why she was really there. I wish Mother made me stay at home, she thought, not for the last time wishing she was there instead of here again. There were so many things she could be doing right now, like reading or riding on her horse, or running barefoot along the sand of the beach and gazing out at the sea. But no, of course she had been required to come, but then again, she would rather meet her husband-to-be now rather than the day of the wedding.

Things could always be worse, she supposed.

At last, they two separate royal families arrived at the large doors of the dining hall, which opened to reveal a long oak table, animal heads mounted on the walls, and a roaring fireplace on one side. Even though as Evenin followed her father and the McHeath's inside, the roaring fire did nothing to warm her, and she held back a sigh, hoping that soon she could crawl under some blankets and get warm again.

As Evenin glanced back at the long table, she noticed a woman fretting behind a maid as the maid worked on pouring the chalices of wine. When the woman noticed them, she stood up straighter and walked over to greet them - Denali's mother, as Evenin assumed, going by the similarities between the two as Denali clearly had her green eyes.

"King Nephthys, Princess Evenin, welcome to Brimsano," the queen said warmly, which made Evenin smile a little, glad to see that some people here were a little more friendly than the King and her betrothed. The queen held out her hands towards the Vessuiya princess, and Evenin timidly stepped forward to take them, to which the queen promptly pulled her close to kiss both cheeks. "I hope you'll find your stay enjoyable."

Evenin glanced behind her at her father for confirmation that it was okay to speak, and when Nephthys gave her a nod, she turned back to give the queen a small smile, acutely aware that all eyes were on her now. "Thank you, your highness."

The queen chuckled, giving Evenin's gloved hands a squeeze. "Please, call me Queen Mother, seeing as soon we'll be in the same family." To which Evenin nodded in return, keeping her smile steady at the reminder that she would be getting married into a family she hardly knew. The queen then released her hands and gestured to the table. "Come and sit. Dinner shall be out presently."

A maid followed Evenin to the table and pulled out her chair for her, pushing it in as the princess moved to sit. "Thank you," she said softly, before glancing back around the room. Her attention was pulled to the doors as another young woman entered and joined the McHeath side of the table. Perhaps Denali's sister? The silent question was answered as King Orobus spoke up.

"You've already met my wife, Aella. This is Lady Callista, my bastard child," Orobus explained in that cold matter-of-fact tone of his as they all settled at the table. Evenin glanced over at the young woman in question, who simply bowed her head to acknowledge the Araceli's. The princess couldn't help but wonder over how the woman looked so fine with being called a bastard in such an forward way, but the Lady didn't seem fazed, as if she had accepted that as her title long ago. But perhaps Evenin could find a friend in her? She hoped so.

As Queen Aella had promised, the meal soon came out, with several servants carrying the plates and platters to the long table. There was a large platter of what Evenin assumed was venison, several small dishes of deviled eggs and breads, as well as what looked like bowls of soup. As much as Evenin was hesitant to eat venison, at least most of the meal was warm food, and that was enough for Evenin, who was desperate to get rid of the chill she felt. Both the McHeath's and the Araceli's dished themselves up quietly, and all was silent in the dining hall except for the crackling of the fireplace and the clinking of utensils. Evenin kept her gaze down at her food so not to feel tempted to glance up at her betrothed, and it seemed as though Denali was doing the same as he hadn't even looked at her once since they sat down - she wasn't sure if she should feel relieved or more put off by that.

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