The Blizzard

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I can't believe I thought we could work it out.

Evenin practically ran to her chambers, feeling foolish as she did for many reasons, but mostly because she had let herself have hope that things could change. She felt stupid for thinking she had power over her life, and just like she feared she seemed to be getting married off to some stone-hearted bastard.

I can't do this.

Suddenly she didn't want to stay in this castle for a second longer.

I need air.

So she changed course, heading for one of the doors leading outside, swiping a newly finished cloak as she passed by the sewing room. With a little difficulty, she managed to drape it over her shoulders and clasp it, and then she slipped outside, walking towards the stable. It was snowing and freezing out, so she was careful as she made her way to the stable doors despite her vision being blurry from tears.

There was a small relief that came with being surrounded by many gentle beasts, but there was only one that could soothe her raging thoughts. "Nostradamus," she whispered as she reached her horse, opening his stall door so she could go in and wrap her arms around his neck. The equine seemed to know that his girl was distraught, and he lowered his head over her shoulder and nudged at her back with his nose, as if trying to embrace her. As comforting as it was, it only made the tears fall faster, and Evenin started to cry for the first time since the betrothal was announced to her.

She hated feeling so powerless and hopeless.

After crying a little into her horse's neck, Evenin straightened, wiping the tears off of her cheeks before she tried wiping the tears off of Nostradamus' neck. She smiled a little tearfully up at him before kissing his nose. "You know what would make me feel better? A small ride. What do you say?"

In response Nostradamus snorted, making Evenin chuckle ever so slightly before she went about getting his saddle and reins on him. She knew that she wasn't familiar with the area, but a small little ride wouldn't hurt. Especially with the snowfall making everything pretty and quiet - it'll be a good way to calm herself down, at least that was what she told herself. It was preferable than being in the castle anyways.

Presently, the Princess and her steed was ready, and she led him out of the stables and into the cold and growing winter storm. Everin didn't know the difference between a normal snowfall and one that was turning into a blizzard, so she assumed it was still okay to ride, and mounted her horse without hesitation, urging her steed down the path and towards the woods. As soon as she entered the forest, she felt a sense of peace and tranquility - all there was in the world for the moment was her, Nostradamus, and the sound of crunching snow under the equine's hooves.

It was the first time she's felt any kind of peace since arriving in Brimsano.

As Nostradamus walked along the path, Evenin failed to notice that said path was starting to get covered in snow as the white flecks grew thicker and fell faster. No, she was instead taking notice of nature and being very lost in thought.

What kind of parents would force me to follow through in a marriage that clearly wouldn't be good for me? She thought, her brows furrowing. Is all they care about is the kingdom? When have they ever put me first? Gods, sometimes I wish I wasn't royalty...

After a bit of time, the wind started to pick up and Evenin shivered as she started to take note of her surroundings, noticing how cold it was getting and how thick the snow was. "P-Perhaps we should head on back, huh?" she asked Nostradamus, who snorted in response. She pulled the horse around, and it was then that she was hit with the sudden realization that she couldn't see the path anymore, and that Nostradamus' hoof-prints were filling up quickly. She hadn't been paying attention to anything around her - how was she supposed to make it back to the stables?

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