A Storm Brews

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Another few days passed, and it felt as same as the last. King Orobus and King Nephthys continued to shut themselves away to negotiate more deals regarding the alliance and the future union of their children, while Denali was left to entertain Evenin. While he had several things he would rather be doing, Denali still joined his betrothed in the library to oversee her working on reorganizing the entire library, which seemed to help her from getting stir crazy like he was getting. 

Denali hated all the unknowns just as much as Evenin did, but as each day passed, he started to grow antsy and irritable, and had started to take it out on his future wife without meaning to, snapping at her when he shouldn't have. He was shorter, crosser, and easier to annoy, and after a while the progress they had made in getting to know each other came to a screeching halt as they started to stay silent in each other's presence more and more. The Crown Prince felt bad for it, but his pride got in the way of apologizing to her for his behavior, and so the tension continued to increase each passing hour.

On this particular evening, Denali decided to have a talk with his father about the betrothal. Perhaps he would be doing them both a favor if he told his father that they weren't quite getting along and that they wouldn't have a strong marriage if they had to wed. His father believed in a strong union, so perhaps the betrothal will be called off once he learns of this and something else could be worked out? At least, that was the Prince's hope.

Denali knocked on the door to his father's meeting chamber, and waiting. When he heard his father call "enter" in that gruff tone of his, the Prince opened up the door and walked in to see King Orobus alone, standing over a bunch of papers that were spread along the table. Denali approached and bowed in greeting, knowing his father demanded respect even when it was just the two of them in the room.

The Prince said nothing, waiting patiently for his father to acknowledge his presence. He knew better than to speak up when the King wasn't ready to discuss whatever matter was being brought to him. After a minute ticked by, Orobus straightened, prying his eyes off of his maps and letters so he could turn to look at his son.

"You interrupt me. What is it?" King Orobus asked stiffly, clearly not pleased to have been disturbed from such deep and hard thinking.

With how his father spoke, Denali started to think this was a bad idea, but still, he needed to try. Any possibility there was to get out of this arranged marriage was one that he would take without hesitation. So the Prince straightened his spine as well, clasping his hands behind his back to appear professional and without emotion.

"Father," Denali greeted, dipping his head once more to remind his father that he was being respectful - a little insurance in case Orobus claimed him being ill-mannered. "I would like to speak to you about the betrothal--"

"If this is about you wanting to avoid your duty as Crown Prince so you don't have to be married, then you already know that you are pursuing a useless goal," King Orobus interrupted, glaring at his one and only son. "You know just as well as I do that this marriage is crucial to strengthening our alliance with King Nephthys."

At receiving such an interruption, Denali dropped all forms of respect and professionalism, feeling the pent up frustration and anger bubble to the surface. "I disagree," he argued, unclasping his hands and clenching them into fists. "There are numerous ways we can strengthen an alliance without a betrothal. There is forming trading arrangements, or lending military aid in return for supplies and food to ensure our people do not starve--"

King Orobus did not appreciate his son's outburst and arguing, and he scowled. "You assume much if you do not think that I have already weighed those options heavily in my mind," he snapped, closing the distance between him and Denali, standing tall over him. Any lesser being would be terrified at this display, but still the Crown Prince didn't cower. "If Princess Evenin is married to you and lives here in Brimsano, Nephthys would do anything to ensure her safety, including providing any aid necessary to ensure Brimsano doesn't fall into the hands of Ruthvien. In return we promised to provide Vessiuya with weapons as well as aid if their kingdom ever falls under the same threat. It is a stronger alliance this way."

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