chapter 2

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The wind blew the red head's long hair in the wind as he held onto his hat for what seemed like dear life.

He walked towards the large building in front of him, looking as annoyed as usual, and paused in front of the door. It read 'Armed detective agency' in a classic, black font.
"Fuck my life." He muttered to himself cursing the door he stood in front of.

He wondered what he should do for a second, would knocking be the best way? Or just busting in there? Whatever he did, it didn't really matter, a port mafia executive turning up at an enemy door wasn't going to be received well under any circumstance.

Chuuya lifted a gloved hand to the door, he decided he'd just turn the handle and walk right in. "What's the worst that can happen huh?" He muttered to himself.

Suddenly, however, it seemed like the universe had a different plan and the door instantaneously swung open and a tall figure was thrown out of there.

Chuuya was thrown backwards as the discarded man landed on top of him. The ADA door slammed shut and he heard a man's voice cursing and shouting angrily on the other side.

"That man will be the death of me!" He heard the the person inside say and he knew instantly who he was talking about...

"Oii Carrot top?"

Chuuya sat up finally, rubbing his head, to see Dazai, now stood looking down at him, from above. Chuuya hadn't even noticed that the man had gotten off of him and stood up.

Dazai looked confused and rolled his eyes "that was the worst effort the port mafia has ever displayed" He laughed and began to walk away.

Chuuya adjusted his hat, fixed his hair and waist coat and then stood up angrily. Was he just going to walk away?

"No you dipshit!" Chuuya yelled angrily, speed-walking after Dazai, "I'm here to give you a message."

Chuuya grabbed the taller man's sleeve and pulled him around, so he was now facing him and walked closer. He looked up at him, he had the same look in his eyes he always used to. One filled with mystery- he could hardly ever tell what Dazai was thinking, it was annoying.

"Who?" Dazai feigned shock and mimicked fainting, placing the back of this hand to his forehead, "me? Oh what a pleasure!"

Chuuya looked at him with annoyance, this was embarrassing enough for him and Dazai was making it ten times more difficult.

"Will you just fucking listen for 5 minutes?" Chuuya yelled, grabbing dazai's collar and pulling him towards him so they were face to face.

Dazai smirked and put his hands up in defence, "OK midget, what does the port mafia want from me?" Chuuya felt Dazai's warm breath on his face. As he looked into his eyes, he still couldn't see what he was thinking. He huffed in annoyance.

He let go of Dazai's collar and took a step back, crossing his arms. "It's not what we want from you," he began, dreading what he was about to say, "it's what we can do for you."

Dazai's face went blank. His expression completely emotionless. "Oi mummy man.. say something!" Chuuya yelled, exasperated. He probably thought they were trying to recruit him, this was so embarrassing.

All of a sudden, Dazai's face contorted into a devilish grin and he began maniacally laughing, he couldn't contain himself. He curled over and held his stomach.

Chuuya looked at him in confusion: mouth open and eyebrows raised. "What's so fucking funny? It's not like we want to recru-" Chuuya was interrupted by a loud burst of laughter and he felt like he might punch the man in front of him.

He didn't get the chance however because almost as quickly as it had begun, Dazais laughter quickly stopped and he looked back at chuuya, who's face was morphed into what you could only explain as pure anger.
"I know what this is about," Dazai said, matter-of-factly.

"Huh?" Replied chuuya.

"This is about the grand prize attached to my very self!" He said triumphantly, like it was an accomplishment to be targeted by a foreign agency.

"HUH!?," Chuuya yelled, "why are u excited, is this another suicide attempt, you bandage FREAK!"

"No, no not this time. Its just exciting isn't it!" Dazai said, happily, "a price on my very head!"

"Damned Dazai! You could be kidnapped at any moment?" Chuuya was becoming even more exasperated, he knew this was a bad idea, Dazai would never accept help from the port mafia.

He looked up at Dazai who looked as calm as ever. How did he do it? Why wasn't he effected at all? Then he saw it, in his eyes, a glimmer of something he could understand. A look of something he knew all too well. Fear.

Chuuya's face dropped from angry to extremely serious. His eyes softened and mouth relaxed. He closed his eyes for a second and took a breath. "Dazai," He said, no anger was left in his voice now, "this is not a joke." He paused fir a second, half expecting more laughter from the man.

After a few moments, he opened his eyes and looked back up at Dazai, his face now serious too. "I know," he looked down at his ex-partner and thought he saw, for a second, a slight glimmer of worry in his eyes.

Dazai let out a sigh and began to walk away again. "The world would be more dangerous if I were gone." He said, "while Q is still alive, the port mafia need me." Dazai paused and looked up at the sky above him, "I'm an important peice in Mori's game." He muttered.

Dazai knew that the Port mafia only needed him alive because of his nullification ability and that Chuuya worried only of the loss of this ability and not of the loss of his life.

Dazai span around and looked at Chuuya who was a few metres behind him, "so..." He began, "what does the Port Mafia propose for me shit-head?"

Chuuya took a breath. "I'll tell you if you don't fucking interrupt me while I explain okay, moron?" He walked up to Dazai and began to explain.

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