Chapter 16.

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Tw: mentions of suicide

Tears welled in Dazai's eyes. His heart ached. All of his friends hated him and wanted to kill him and the man he loved was about to kill himself because of him. The brunette had run out of the PM base and checked the parking lot to see if Chuuya's bike was still there. He was trying his best to think straight so he could save the red head. He needed to tell him how he felt. Show him he was still here. Chuuya's bike and helmet was still where they had left it previously. Good. This meant Chuuya could have only gone as far as his legs would take him.

Dazai, due to previous attempts, knew all of the bridges in Yokohama. He analysed which one was closest to the PM base and figured it out.

This bridge would take half an hour to walk to and Chuuya had left 20 minutes ago. Dazai would never get there in time if he ran so what was the next best option? Shit.

Chuuya's bike.

He ran over to the death-trap not even thinking of the dangers and quickly hot-wired it. He climbed on and, leaving the helmet, sped off towards the bridge. Chuuya wouldn't be at death's door yet so Dazai still had time.

Even so, it would still take him 15 minutes to get there by bike if he abided by all of the traffic lights and pedestrian crossings.

He was not going to do that, however, this cut his journey down to 8 minutes. If he sped the whole way there, ignoring all laws as he did so he could get there before Chuuya's demise.

The one thing Dazai hoped not to encounter was any of his agency friends or members of the port mafia. They'd try and kill him and lessen his chances of getting to chuuya in time.

25 minutes since Chuuya left.

Dazai was minutes away from the bridge; minutes away from Chuuya.

28 minutes since Chuuya left.

Dazai sped round a corner, holding onto dear life on this bike, and there it was; the bridge.

He looked up to see if he could see any signs of the red head. It was dark out and he couldnt really make anything out, whatsoever.

29 minutes since Chuuya left.

Dazai jumped of the bike, leaving it on the side of the road and began running up to the centre of the bridge. Looking on either side to see if he could spot his partner.

There he was. His red hair blowing in the cool breeze. He didn't have his hat on nor his cloak-like coat. All he wore were his usual black pants and shoes accompanied by a white button up shirt.

He stood on the side of the bridge, the blue moon illuminating him and his fresh tears glistening on his fair face.

"Chuuya!" Dazai yelled, running closer to him, holding his hand out in front of him.

"Chuuya please!" Dazai ran, his legs carrying him as fast as he could.

Chuuya remained, standing on the side of the bridge. He was too distraught. Tears clouded his judgement.

"You're not real! You're dead!" he yelled, turning his head and facing Dazai who was metres away from him now. Tears soaked Chuuya's face, his eyes red. He shook violently and balled his hands into a fist.

"You left me behind, again!" he yelled again, his voice shaking. He looked up at the sky- at the moon and closed his eyes.

Chuuya leant forward, his eyes still closed and tears still streaming down his face. His body moved slowly, like a feather.

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