The Beginning of a New Night

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Wait a second
She's hopped up on me
I've got her in my zone
Her body's pressed up on me
I think she's ready to blow
Must be my future sex love sound
And when it goes down
Baby all you gotta do is...

Just tell me which way you like that
All you gotta do is
Tell me which way you like that
Do you like it like this?
Do you like it like that?
Tell me which way you like that
Tell me which way you like that

~Justin Timberlake, Futuresex Lovesound

It was Halloween night in Sunnydale, California. 15-year-old Dawn Summers walked down the bustling residential street, busy with parents and costumed kids walking around, yelling and laughing. She continued to walk until she was near downtown Sunnydale, and looked behind her cautiously before finally deciding on a shortcut down a dark alley. In the distance, police sirens blared. Dawn jumped, startled when she heard a banging noise. She then continued walking down the path she had chosen before it came to her that maybe walking down a dark alley in Sunnydale really wasn't such a good idea after all, despite what she had initially thought.

After all, one never knew what could happen in Sunnydale on Halloween night, or any other night. She knew that for certain. After all, she had seen Buffy go out on patrol and kill a few vampires just a few weeks ago. Tonight, however, was Halloween. 

Usually on Halloween, vampires and other things that roamed the night took a vacation. Dawn recalled how she initially wondered why they always did that — roam the night for 364 days a year, and then take a rest on Halloween. Now she knew the answer after Buffy's explanation about what happened on Halloween night two years ago; her Watcher Rupert Giles had said, "Creatures of the night shy away from Halloween. They find it all much too crass."

Pulling herself back to the present, Dawn recalled those exact words with a smile; however, her smile faded a little when she realized she was alone. "Hello?" she called out after a few minutes.

Oh, great. I am acting like one of those stupid girls in horror movies, she scolded herself as she looked around. She picked up a piece of wood, holding it like a club. She could still hear some noise; it was coming from a nearby stack of boxes, but she didn't know exactly what it was. But she decided to find out anyway. So Dawn walked up to the box's opening... and saw two people kissing.

"Hey!" the guy said, outraged at the interruption.

"Oh!" Dawn knew her face was beet red at this point.

"Perv," the girl said, feeling quite snappish.

"Sorry. I thought — hey, wait. I'm the perv, while you two are making out, and in an alley of all places, too," Dawn snapped while putting a hand on her hip, angered (while at the same time hoping that knocked some sense into the guy and girl).

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