At the Bronze Part 2

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With that, the trio then headed off to the Bronze. Dawn and Janice had picked out the Bronze as the backup place they would go to if there wasn't any excitement or adventure going on anywhere else.

As soon as they got there, Yami Bakura then gently pulled Dawn by the hand over to a red couch with a table a few inches away, where they sat down. Janice had headed over to the bar, where she ordered a Coke.

When she got back to where Dawn and Yami Bakura were sitting, the scene that greeted Janice almost caused her to burst out laughing, but she managed to keep a good hold on her can of Coke anyway.


Yami Bakura was holding onto Dawn. His hands were holding her shoulders in a gentle grip. Dawn, for her part, was running her hands through his spiky white locks. Apparently Yami Bakura was loving that, since he was growling in pleasure. He first moved his lips across her forehead, and then down to her throat before finally stopping and getting off of Dawn before gently pulling her back up to a sitting position. After all, he didn't want to go too far.

"Uh, Yami Bakura," said Dawn upon suddenly spotting Janice, "I think Janice just spotted us. And I'm feeling quite thirsty for a Coke, now that I think about it."

Yami Bakura smiled after he finally pulled his mouth away from her throat. "I understand," he replied. He then reached into his trenchcoat pocket and, as if by magic, pulled out a can of Coke and handed it to a surprised Dawn.

"I kept it cold in my pocket with me," he explained as Dawn pulled open the tab, took a medium-sized sip of Coke, and then set it on the table. "I was saving it for you, of course."

"Thanks, Yami Bakura," replied Dawn, smiling. She and Yami Bakura then hugged. Then after they broke apart, Janice then joined them on the couch.

Soon, the trio got to chatting. Dawn usually smiled and nodded, listening whenever Yami Bakura spoke of journeys he had been on and places he had been to. Then Janice went next; she discussed an episode of her favorite TV show Charmed, which she had seen the previous night.

Then, finally, Dawn talked about school, and her rival, Kirstie.

"I mean, she's kind of a junior high counterpart to my sister Buffy's now ex-rival, Cordelia Chase, whom I've heard so much about," explained Dawn.

Yami Bakura nodded, listening. "I see," he replied. "It's no wonder she reminds you of Cordelia. I can tell. Plus," he added, turning to Dawn, "from my perspective, you're not a freak. You were just trying to cope with finding out who you really were."

Dawn nodded. She knew exactly what Yami Bakura meant. He had long since heard the story of how Dawn reacted to finding out what she really was.

Thirty minutes later, after Janice said goodbye and left for her house, Dawn then finished her Coca-Cola, and then put the can into the recycle bin for both pop and beer cans.

Yami Bakura then turned to Dawn and said, "Well, shall we head to your home?"

"Sure!" replied Dawn, brightening up.

She then took his offered arm, and they left the Bronze.


Finally, they made it to the Summers' residence, and not one moment too late.

"Yami Bakura?" said Buffy. She looked surprised, and then smiled upon seeing her little sister holding hands with him. "I somehow knew you would come."

Yami Bakura nodded. "Of course, Buffy. After all, it is Halloween."

Dawn then let go of his hand and whispered, "I'll be right back."

She then headed upstairs to the bathroom, while Buffy walked over to the couch and sat down.

"So, Yami Bakura," she said to break the silence while Yami Bakura sat next to her, "you probably heard about what happened to my mom, and how Dawn reacted."

Yami Bakura nodded. He had heard about what happened to Joyce Summers, Buffy and Dawn's mother, and what she had been like when she was alive. He had also heard from Xander and Willow about how Joyce was so sweet, motherly, and always there for them with a smile, a hug, or some advice; sometimes it was all three. She was different and very nice when compared to Willow's and Xander's own parents. Willow's parents were absent-minded, uninvolved and religious, and Xander's parents — particularly his father — were also not just neglectful, but bitter and abusive.

According to Buffy, her mother was often very strict, but a good mother nonetheless. Despite her initial reaction to Buffy's confession of being a Slayer, Joyce had since shown support and encouragement for her daughter.

"And your father?" asked Yami Bakura.

Buffy thought for a few moments, thinking over her answer. "Well, my father is different. Although he is upper-class, I found out the hard way that Dad couldn't be counted on to keep his promises, and he never played the role of the father.

"You've heard about when he and Mom got divorced, right?" she added after pausing for a bit. Yami Bakura nodded. "Well, the last I heard about him, he moved to Spain with his secretary. However, I was unable to contact him when Mom died.

"Luckily for me," Buffy added after another pause, "I soon found out that Giles, my Watcher, had seen me as a daughter in every way except blood. And you know what? I myself see him as a great father figure, too."

"I see," nodded Yami Bakura as he listened.

Buffy then got up. "Well, I better get to bed. I'm sure that Dawn wants to speak with you in private. Good night, Yami Bakura."

"Good night, Buffy," replied Yami Bakura.

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