Family {fear street 1978 au}

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Cindy and Alice were sitting in their living room while they were waiting for Ziggy. They had been married for about 3 years now and recently had a little girl.
"Alice, did you put Luna to sleep?" That's what they named their daughter, it was Alice's choice and Cindy loved it.
"Yeah I did while you were cooking."
Alice pretty much never cooked since she was terrible at it but Cindy really didn't mind cooking.
"Alright, thanks hunny."

Then the doorbell rang, which woke up the baby.
"Oh, it's probably Ziggy, can you go get Luna?" Cindy was talking really fast, that's what she does when she panics.
"Yea sure snitch." That nickname stuck around all throughout their relationship, even though they didn't mean it and Cindy just got used to it.
Cindy opened the door to welcome her sister in.
"Hey Ziggy! Come in!" Cindy was always so happy to see her sister, even though she would go to their place almost every weekend. They had really grown a strong relationship over the years.
"Hi Cindy! Where's Alice?"
"She's with the baby, the door bell woke her up."
All the family Ziggy had was them, she had a boring part time job, no romantic relationship and only a few friends who she wasn't that close to.
Soon after, Alice came out, cradling Luna.
"Oh hi Ziggy, sorry I wasn't here." Alice also really loved Ziggy, they didn't have any siblings of their own, so they loved and cared for Ziggy like they would for their actual sister.
"It's fine I understand, I mean, you have a baby, you're probably super overwhelmed right now and I probably shouldn't be here bothering you two when you have Luna to take care of." Ziggy felt bad for bothering them while they could be putting their time and attention on their newborn.
"No Ziggy, you're never a bother to us. You're my sister and you know Alice loves you equally as much as I do. You're family, you're important to us and we want you here." Cindy really didn't want her sister to feel that she was unwelcome because of the baby and she really wasn't.
She was family, not only by blood but also by soul and she always would be.

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