20 | When History Lied

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Three hours ago.

Fin found himself looking at the scene with his breath held, watching people trying to flee and the blarings of sirens. He thought someone had died as he heard a bullet shot minutes ago. He had told himself that it might not have been a gun, but now seeing the cops arrive, he wasn't so sure. 

He hoped Mona and Dennis were safe, because he couldn't see either of them. Lucien had passed by moments ago, eating three delicacies at once so he was probably okay.

He ran outside, and came to a stop when he saw Jerry being taken away.

What the fuck are they doing here? He thought, but then did an internal dance when it finally registered in his mind that they were being arrested. 

The Shadows were being arrested! He had a shitload of questions along the lines of what, how, when and why, but he simply enjoyed the moment.

Gleefully he went closer and closer, until he was right in front of the struggling Jerry. Some cops were trying to pull Fin back, but they were pulling everyone back, which meant they were too focused on their work that a few words might go unnoticed.

"I was the informant," Fin said, smirking.

Jerry halted his fight against his handcuffs, then watched the man in front of him with nothing but curiosity.

"I knew you looked familiar," he replied harshly. 

For some reason, Fin had a sudden vision of Liza, and the last time they talked.


"Oh gods, Mountain Dew? Please tell me it's Mountain Dew," Liza whined, and Fin entered the car with a laugh, handing over her drink.

She let out a sound of joy when she saw it was indeed Mountain Dew that he bought for her, and she rested her head against the seat contently.

Fin looked at her with admiration, as if she was magic. He had seen her work so hard the last few weeks, and today marked the final step to their plan to take down the Shadows. 

This called for a celebration, but it was already late at night so they drove around the town, talking about nothing, and was now parked near the gas station. The midnight cravings to get caffeinated drinks were always valid.

"We go to the precinct tomorrow, hand over the drugs you bought from me, and tell them everything about the Shadows?" He asked, reviewing their strategy.

"Yup, you still remember what you have to say, right?"

"Yeah, one of their members was my college friend, he accidentally told me the gang's existence and things proceeded from there," he said quickly.

"Good," she sat up straighter. "Can you believe we're taking down a criminal organization? We're so badass."

"Technically I was one of them, but yes we're badass."

"You know what, let's run by everything again," Liza turned to him excitedly. "I'll be the interrogator and you be you."

"Okay," he complied. "We'll do it one last time and then we go and get some rest, deal?"


"Go on then."

Liza coughed and imitated a deeper voice. "What's your name?"

"Fin Everard," he replied, trying not to smile.

"And why are you here, Mr. Everard?"

"I'm here to report the distribution of illegal, experimental drugs among the teenagers of this town."

"That is a pretty heavy accusation, how do you know this information?"

"I was one of the dealers," he said confidently. "But I realize what I was doing was wrong and I'm ready to give you all the information in exchange for full impunity."

"We'll work out a deal. Now, where did you get the drugs from?"

Fin looked at her sadly. "Hellan Enterprises."

"Fin!" She said exasperatedly. "You're supposed to say 'a street gang named the Shadows!' We went over the script ten times!"

"No, I got them from Hellan Enterprises," he said bitterly. 

"What?" In the darkness, Liza tried to meet his eyes, but he was looking straight ahead.


"I don't know who you are, kid," Jerry snapped angrily. "I know our group isn't innocent. We've probably murdered someone once or twice, and yes, we deal arms. But I keep hearing these whispers of drugs."

Fin looked at him blankly.

"We have never dealt in drugs. Never!" Jerry kept repeating, a bead of sweat breaking out in his forehead as a cop restrained him.

Fin smiled. "I know."


"I got the drugs from Hellan Enterprises," he explained. "I was always a drug dealer. You came to my door and I had to act quickly so I told you lies about the Shadows."

"Wait, what the fuck?" She said sharply. "The Shadows doesn't exist then?"

"They do. Of course, they do. The first part was true, the college roommate told me about his gang accidentally. I don't think they do drug deals though. I made up some story about how I'm working with them so you'd leave me alone."

Liza blinked her eyes rapidly. Was it true that hearing a piece of shocking news could have an impact on our physical bodies? Is that why her eyes were watering right then? 

Or was she just hurt and feeling betrayed?

"You lied to me."

Or was it the drink? 

Even if she was crying, that doesn't explain her blurry vision. Or the way too rapid heartbeats. She looked at her companion and realized how she didn't know him at all.

"I can't count on our trust," he said softly. "If I let you go now, you'll turn me in."

"What the fuck did you do?" Liza dropped the can she was holding, and she turned to open the door, but a wave of nausea swept over her, and she touched her forehead, breathing heavily.

"Turns out, the experimental drug I'm selling? That shit's lethal as hell," he answered. "What you just drank is the same drug but in liquid form. You just had Mountain Dew plus the content of five pills."

She couldn't speak. She literally couldn't speak. Breathing became too shallow and her heart rates became erratic. She was on the fastest road to death.

"You're an addict anyway so if you die by pill consumption, no one would suspect anything."

"I would...never have... rel- relapsed," Liza found herself saying. 

"You kinda just did." 

With that, he got out of the car, slamming it behind him. She was too weak to open the door, so she lay there gasping and crying.

Yet her hand slammed once against the closed window, before it went still altogether.

Liza Severins was dead.



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