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Andrea opened her eyes with a gasp and sat up straight. She still couldn't see anything so she squinted her eyes a little and looked for her  glasses. She wore her glasses and looked with wide eyes to find herself in her damned cupboard under the stairs! She sighed and looked at her hands to check the rings which were securely on her fingers. She checked the time; it was 6 in the morning and she was in her 1o years and 11 month old body which felt really really wierd.  She groaned at the thought of having to go through puberty and her first period again. She took few moments to calm her self and to think what to do. Mortem had told her to go to Gringotts as soon as possible so yeah that's where she will start. She stood up and packed whatever rags she had and put it in her small school bag. Hopefully she won't be returning here back. She sneaked out of her cupboard and looked around to see if anyone was awake. Finding no one around she took a few pounds from Aunt Petunia's emergency drawer in the kitchen and took 3 cookies and wrote a note saying that she ran away from the house. She bolted out of the house before anyone realises. She had to take muggle transportation to reach Leaky Couldron, so she did just that. After a few subway rides she found himself outside of leaky Couldron she went in and innocently asked Tom to show her the way towards the Diagon Alley. She made sure to cover her scar with her badly taimed and fringed hair.
She saw Diagon Alley as shops were just opening. She made her way towards Gringotts and  keeping her head down went towards a counter,
"I'm Andrea, I wish to see chief Redwood. Inform him please" Andrea said in a tone that suggests 'You better listen to me' the goblin looked up and glared at her and she glared back at him. Giving up after few moments he stood up and told her to follow him. They went down the same path only this time Andrea was too busy looking behind her shoulder to take any surrounding infrastructure. They reached his office where the goblin  nodded her to enter. She entred and saw Chief Redwood smiling at her.
"I see relishing in childhood it is" He said chuckling. Andrea scowled at him for a moment but gave out a chuckle.
"Yes! I'm back to childhood with the brains of a very angry 19 year old girl" Andrea responded with a snort.
"Lets begin, firstly you need to get a cleansing and healing ritual and then you will be given new rings as these will not be working. However, for the ladyship rings you will have to wait till you are 13 again that's when you xan attend wizengamot meetings just to observe its workings and you will be given the right to vote at the age of 14 years and 6 month of age." Redwood explained. Andrea frowned at the thought of losing the rings but nodded never the less.
"As you have founder seats you won't be able to get a proxy for them. Currently the seats of Potter house has been assigned proxy and Dumbledore votes for them" Redwood said and sneered at the name of Dumbledore. Andrea had the same reaction.
"Is there no way I can stop Dumbledore from being my oh so wonderful magical  guardian and wizengamot proxy?" Andrea asked
"There is a way that will not only release you and your wizengamot seats from Dumbledore but will also restrict his any transaction from Potter vault." Redwood said and Andrea nodded him to continue.
"You will have to get another guardian. Someone  powerful enough to stand against Dumbledore and a reason powerful enough to disappoint him ad your magical guardian." Redwood completed.
"Hmm... Now that is something. I'll work out in a few days till then let him take the money but no valuable items, tell him they are blood warded....and yes! Blood ward my each and every vault." Andrea said.
Redwood nodded and stood up and motioned her to get up and follow him. He took her to the healing wing were she met sharp blade again.
"Its time you get rid of nasty compulsion and blood glamours." Redwood said and left the wing and Andrea in the care of Sharpblade and his wife.
"Are you ready for this? Seeing the amount of compulsions and potions and damage to the magical core the ritual will hurt, but I assure you it will feel much better after that." Mrs. Sharpblade said. Andrea nodded her head and changed into the gown she was given and laid down on her back. The goblin started the ritual and truly it hurt more than cruciatus curse. Andrea was sure she was screaming loud enough to damage her throat permanently and then she passed out. When she regained consciousness she found it very hard to even open her eyes. Every cell in her body ached, somehow she let out a groan which alerted the goblin who immediately chugged a bottle of pain relief potion down her throat. She grimaced at the taste of it. After sometime she felt a little relief. She groaned again this time trying to ask for water but her voice was all broke and croaky. Goblin understood it and gave her some water and another potion to which she raised an eyebrow
"Its for your throat, this potion will soothe it in no time. You have recovered quite well. Another hour and you will be healed completely." Goblin answered. She took the potion and downed it in one go.
She laid back down and closed her eyes falling asleep. When she opened her eyes again she felt quite light and better. She sat up without feeling any pain. Just then the door opened and Redwood appeared with both Sharpblade's. The female sharpblade examined her physically while the male sharpblade wrote down whatever she was telling him in goblin language.
"There are many marks on your body that suggests you were beaten. And you are severely malnourished and have bones very poorly fixed." Sharpblade said and Andrea looked down and sighed. One thing she forgot was the confrontation of abuse. She never told anyone about it but now she had to in order to get out of Dumbledore's grasp.
"Yes! The muggles I'm placed with are not very nice people I suppose. They try to beat the 'freakiness' out of me. They starve me for days when I accidentally do something I have no control over. They lock me in my cupboard and then beat me and make me do all the household chores." Andrea said. She purposely used the term my cupboard so as to prove that she lives in the cupboard. Everyone in the room took a breath of disgust. Sharpblade mumbled something very colourful in goblin language with a nasty scowl on her face.
"We have your physical health checkup report of before and after the rituals. I'm going to give you certain potions and you have to take them very particularly. And you have to eat nutritious meal along with milk every day. I hope I'm being clear." She said in a tone that could undoubtedly be compared with Poppy Pomphrey. Andrea smiled sheepishly and nodded her head.
"If I'm completely healed than can I leave?" Andrea asked and Sharpblade nodded. Andrea stood up and went to change.
After getting out of the healing wing she went back to Redwood's office where he ordered some tea and they started with the heir rings. Andrea remembered the vow she spoke last time and repeated them again.
"I wish to visit my vault and take some money and few other things. I would also like some cashless slips provided. I'm in the mood to shop." Andrea mused and smiled. Redwood took her down the vaults and true to his words the vaults were blood warded so she had to prick her fingers while entering in every vault. She took some money from Black vault and some books on potions and occlumency and Parslemagic from Slytherin vault. She picked a rather pretty locket that had all four Hogwarts house symbol on it. She was done with the vaults, money and cashless receipts and they went up to Redwood's office again.
"Currently I'm going to stay at Grimmauld Palace. The library there is quite exquisite and I also have to procure a certain item from that house." Andrea said.
"Does that certain item has anything to do with your soul bonded?" Redwood enquired.
"Yes, in a way. So per say if he returns will you be able to help him with new identity and some glamour and all?" Andrea asked.
"I swore my allegiance to you Heiress Potter Black. I will stand by you and help you in every step to bring the Britain Wizarding World to its former glory. There will be no problem from our side. But there shall be payment" Redwood said with a toothy grin.
"Of course. That wouldn't be a problem. I will write to you in a few days you see I will be needing portkeys to visit all my properties. I have this whole summer to plan out things. First of all I need a powerful ally and who better than Malfoy. Loyal to his cause and also Lady Malfoy is related to Black, I guess they will be perfect. No one can handle Dumbledore better than Malfoy. And you keep those health reports safe with you we will be needing those while filing for custody." Andrea said with a sadistic smirk on her lips.
"Very well than I shall be in contact and will be ready with the portkeys whenever you need it. If you can get a house elf to collect them it would be much less time consuming." Redwood suggested.
"Of course. Now I shall take your leave. May your gold keep flowing." Andrea greeted him with a smile and  Redwood replied accordingly.
After leaving the bank she decided to first go to Madame Malkins and shop for some fine clothes.
"Good morning I would like a total new wardrobe. Best quality Of course." Andrea said and started picking out robes and cloaks and other day wears and nightwears some formals and casuals. She payed for those using her heir rings and left. Next she went to Eyelops Owl Emporium, she soon found Hedwig again and happily bought her. Then she went to knockturn alley in a wand shop. She knew wands made here were purely customised based on core magic and also untraceable. She entered the eerie shop and tapped on the counter. A lady came in and inspected her at which she rolled her eyes. The best part of having blood glamours removed was she no longer looked like her father's female version. Her scar was barely visible, her eyesight was better she no longer needed glasses and her hair were very lucious black, wavy, soft and managable. She could barely recognize herself. The only feature which stayed prominent was her Avada Kedavra green eyes. Her skin was much better and healthy and her jawline much more better angled. Her body also felt less fatigued and her back straight. All in all she looked beautiful and elegant. No one could recognize her.
"Start please" Andrea said in a bored tone.
"Come on then, over here." She directed her further into the shop and stopped near a counter. She gave her certain ingredients and instructed her to feel her magic whichever connected to her magical core more would ve suitable. After certain ingredients latet her wand was customised. The lady told her to collect it half an hour later. Andrea decided to go to Flourish and Blotts and read and buy some books about olde ways and noble etiquettes. Afterall she was now an heiress and she had to behave that way. After buying at least 15 new books on the subject of politics and etiquette and olde rituals and festivals she went to collect her wand.

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