Unknown Number

441 16 8

(Ricky Bowen's Perspective)

It was 12:34 a.m. So, obviously, I'm awake. I toss and turn for about 5 hours every night before I even feel remotely tired. 

Then, all of a sudden, I hear a ding on my phone. 

I thought about ignoring it because none of my friends ever stay up this late. I tossed for another four minutes before deciding fuck it. I read the text aloud. 

Do you ever wish that you could close your eyes and never open them again?

Random but also sad but also relatable. Now this would be less random if it wasn't from an unknown number. I almost wanted to tell them I was not the person they were looking for but I was intrigued.

In sleep or in death?

The ultimate sleep...

That answered my question but also no it didn't. But somehow, I knew what he meant. There are these days where I just feel so shitty that it feels better to just sleep forever. 

Yeah, I do. It sucks. Do you want to talk about it?

My dad just beat me for being gay. I'm no longer his son, he said. 

Holy shit.

Oh my God, I'm so sorry. Are you okay?

On these days, where you feel like shit, do you know how to get out of it? Or do you just wallow?

I usually try to keep my mind busy. Hang out with my friends.

I don't have any friends...

Why do I find this hard to believe? Everyone has at least one person to talk to. But then again, he texted some random number instead of talking to someone he trusted.

Really? Not one?


Hmmmm, you know what? Fuck it.

Well then, I'll be your friend. My name is Ricky Bowen. What's yours?

Elijah James Caswell. Nice to meet you, Ricky.

I smiled at my phone. We ended up texting for hours that night until finally, I went to sleep...

goodnight EJ

goodnight, Ricky ;)

When I woke up, I had completely forgot about last night until I grabbed my phone. Now, to be fair, for all I know, this could be some 80 year old pervert but I'd like to believe it wasn't. 

I had gotten to the school but my eyes were still glued to my phone as I walked through the hallway. I wanted to text him but maybe he doesn't want a text from me. Maybe last night, he just needed to be cheered up. Maybe he is actually an old man who finally died. Or maybe-

My thoughts were interrupted by a muscular jock that I just bumped into. All of our stuff went flying everywhere throughout the hallway.

"Oh my God, I'm so sorry." I got to my knees and started grabbing all his papers.

He chuckled. "It's all right. I wasn't looking where I was going either."

Oh my God.

Oh my God.

I looked down at the stack of papers in my hand, ready to give it back to the man in front of me. But something caught my eye at the top of a worksheet. A name.

Elijah James.

"EJ?!" I said in shock, as I looked up to the boy in front of me.

He just smiled with a look of confusion. "Yeah?"

I just smiled and pulled out my phone. I called EJ. The boy's phone started ringing. 

"Uh, give me a minute. I'm gonna take this." He walked to the side and I smiled.

"Hey, Ricky. What's up?"

I grinned widely before I said my next words.

"Do you ever get bumped in the hallway and wish that you would close your eyes and never open them again?"

He laughed.

"Yeah, I just got myself into a similar situation but like you said, just try to keep your mind busy?"

"How about you keep your mind busy by helping me pick up all this stuff?" 

He paused. "What are you talking about?" 

"Turn around." 

He turned around and saw me on the phone. He gave another look of confusion so I thought I would help him out. I reached out my hand for him to shake and said,

"Hi, my name is Ricky Bowen. Nice to meet you, EJ Caswell."

He hung up the phone and ran towards me. He grabbed me in the tightest hug and held me close as I laughed. I snuggled my head into his chest.

"Ricky Bowen." 

"Elijah James Caswell."

He just chuckled and stared at me. I blushed. Him staring at me is making me blush. What am I supposed to do with those piercing blue eyes?

"So, as your one friend, I suppose we should hang out sometime."

He smiled even wider.

"I would love that."

What a meet cute! Awwww!

Word Count ~ 787 words

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