jealousy, jealousy

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(Ricky Bowen's Perspective) 

Stupid dumb EJ. 

He always is smiling like the world revolves around him!

He is such an idiot. 

Now, before anyone says anything, EJ isn't that bad of a person. 

Or at least he wasn't before high school.

He used to be this weird nerd nobody talked to. 

And then, he joined water polo and became the most popular person ever.

Even his old bullies now WORSHIP him. 

And it is so fucking annoying. 

The teachers love him in every class. 

The male and female teachers!!!

It's like every single person in this goddamn school is mind controlled by his stupid handsome face!

Well, I don't fall for that shit.

Because I remember who he is and who he used to be. 

Before he started going to the gym and started winning games and UGH!

How can someone become so popular over the summer?!

And another thing, every single girl is wrapped around his finger.

Every girl is like, "EJ this and EJ that!"

"EJ is soooooo hot."

"Ooooo, I can't wait to make EJ mine!"

"God, if EJ only gave me a chance!"

LIKE UGH, excuse me while I throw up.

And here's another crazy thing!


The women of this school are practically throwing themselves at him.

And what does he do?

Ignores them! 

Every single one! 

He even rejected my best friend Kourtney.

And that does not slide!

Kourtney is a fucking queen and how dare EJ not see that?! 

But that's besides the point!

I'm looking at him right now.

All his guy friends, patting him on the pick,

Basically kissing the floor he walks on.

It's disgusting. 

And don't even get me started on the girls around his arms. 

Three, to be exact.

Each one prettier than the last but does EJ Caswell care?


He just goes about his day like he hasn't broken every girl's heart in this place.

He smiles that gorgeous dumb ass smile at everyone like he always does. 

And ugh, he's just so perfect and stupid!

He could have any girl he wants and yet, he's walking over to me?!

Like, what kind of idiot-

Wait, what?

He's walking over to me?

Why is he walking over to me?

And why does he have this weird flirty smile on?


My throat closes.

How do you talk? 

How does one start talking?

"You're um, sorry,"

Is he flustered?

Or nervous?

Why is he nervous?

"Um, you're um, Ricky, right?"

He starts looking anywhere but my eyes.

He also starts scratching the back of his head. 

He looks kind of cute like this. 

All red and nervous. 

I learn how to talk again.

Just to mess with him a little bit.

I mean, my locker with the name RICKY written in red is behind me. 

"Um, no, no, I'm not."

I smile.

He tries to smile but fails completely.

So adorable. 

"Right, right, stupid question."

He chuckles nervously and I am loving this.

It's nice seeing him be humbled in a way.

Found a way to get him off of his high pedestal everyone puts him on.

"Well, um, Ricky, (* nervous chuckle*), would um, well, I um, kind of wanted to see if you, um, well, if you're not doing anything, we could um, you know, s- s- sit together at lunch. Sounds kinda stupid when I say it out loud."

Wait, is he asking me out?

Or at least trying to ask me out?

"Um, EJ, right?"

He sheepishly nods his head.

Ha, like I didn't already know his name.

"Are you asking me out on a date?"

His eyes widen. 

"Well, um it it doesn't have to be a date. I mean, it's not, um I just uh wanted to hang out with um uh you. And I thought maybe it um could be a uh date but for sure, it could be nothing if um you uh want."

I smile at him as I watch him stutter and stumble over his words.

He's still the same nerdy EJ he's always been.

He just got muscle.

"I'd love to."

He smiles very widely.


I nod and smile.

"Cool! then um it's a date or um uh a hang out." 

I smile. 

"It's a date, EJ."

He chuckles nervously and hands me a piece of paper and then runs away.

I smile and shake my head.

I opened the paper and it had EJ's phone number with a note.

I'm sorry for being weird. You are just really cute and I needed to work up the courage to ask you out. I'll see you for lunch, I hope.

so adorable.

Kind of want to just stand him up, just to mess with him more.

But that might be too far.

Plus, I'll miss out on being able to make him red and stutter again.

Yeah, no, I'm gonna have a really fun lunch date!

Sorry for being MIA for so long. Here's a little something while a new chapter of Thought Bubble comes out every other week. This was a fun little write because Ricky being jealous is my favorite trope haha.

Word Count ~ 749 words

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