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Yeah, it's me. 

Trust me, I love Suicide Sadness but sometimes I have all these ideas for stories but I know they aren't good enough to make into a full book.

Anyways, this is how the RJ/Caswen OneShots will be. 

They are basically gonna be a summary of a full story because I couldn't make these into a full book.

I hope you enjoy it.

This book doesn't really have a schedule but I'm gonna try to do once a week. But again no real schedule, it could be 3 times one week and then 0 another so just be ready for an inconsistent one shot schedule haha.

Also, I do take requests. Some people just have better ideas.

And if you want to create a full book with my ideas, or do your own version of these oneshots, I would like you to credit me. I thought of all these ideas myself when I was sick sooooo...

Anyways, that's all I have to say. 

I hope you enjoy!

I hope you enjoy!

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Ricky and EJ OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now