He'd failed again

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It wasn't difficult to make sure the foreign exchange students stay quiet. Especially they didn't have a firm grasp of Japanese, so it made it easy for his lawyer to smooth over any threats of lawsuits the boys may have had.

It wasn't as if he enjoyed hurting them, but those boys hadn't been fragile, and a lesson had to be learnt.

Gakushuu was quiet after the incident, very quiet.

He only started to grow concerned when his son barely ate and wouldn't look at him.

Gakuhou arched an eyebrow at him during dinner one evening. "Your food's getting cold."

His son glanced up, gaze resentful, before taking a bite of his meal.

He nearly rolled his eyes at his son's childishness, sipping his juice while also craving something stronger as his son grated his nerves.

"Are you still upset over what happened to your friends?" he asked evenly.

Gakushuu's shoulders were tensed, but his expression grew closed off. "I'm not upset." He ate his food, not looking at him.

He sighed, regarding his son for a moment. "You understand why I had to do what I did, don't you?"

"...Yes." His son gripped his cutlery tight, still not looking at him. "To teach me a lesson in strength."

He nodded, watching his son intently, trying to understand what was going through the boy's head. "You're slipping." He clasped his hands under his chin. "I'm trying to help you." He sighed. "So unless you want to spend the rest of your future as nothing, you need to stay on guard." He narrowed his gaze. "You relied too much on those friends of yours, that's why you failed."

Gakushuu remained quiet and just kept his gaze fixed on his plate, shovelling down the food like he was barely tasting it.

He regarded him for a moment, wondering if he should push for a response, but he decided to leave it at that. Pointless conversation was tedious.


Things carried on the same after the hiccup with the sports festival, or as much as a routine that was left thanks to 3-E being meddlesome, an uncomfortable itch. They caused disruption even while as far as possible from the main populace.

So when he heard word of them knocking an old kindergarten principal from his bike and sending the frail man to the hospital, well it wasn't much of a shock.

"I apologise for the childrens' behaviour." His smile was tight as he was forced to extend his apologies to the injured old man who was in the hospital bed. An absurd amount of flowers crowding the room. "Please be rest assured they are not a reflection on my school."

The old man huffed, a Mr Matsukata. "They're still your students aren't they!?" He crossed his arms. "What kind of kids go jumping around on roofs like wild animals!?"

Gakuhou's smile twitched, trying to keep up the pleasantries. "They're troubled children," he said calmly. "And, this is the first incident of its kind." And the last, he'd make sure of it. "And to extend our apologies further we would be happy to offer a donation to your school."

It was obvious the old man needed the donation, even from online photos it was clear the small schoolhouse was close to shutting down. As much as he could admire Mr Matsukata's dedication and hard work as an educator, the old man lacked the business skills to make the school truly successful.

The old man's expression twisted into a scowl. "I don't want your money," he said dismissively, struggling to sit up. "Just have those kids help look after my students and I'll keep quiet."

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