Chapter 3: Isolation in the Anti-void

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My feet hurt like hell, I feel like I've just done that damned hike twice and the wall is still nowhere in sight. I decided to sit down for a while; I'll continue when my feet don't hurt and I have the energy to continue walking for a while longer.

So I decided to put together what I knew about this place, " This place is exactly room temperature, which hasn't shifted, it's empty except for myself, the only thing that this place appears to consist of is just... white. ".

" Overall, this place is almost exactly like the Anti-void. " I sighed as I looked at the bright white which seemed to stare back.


I don't know how long later it was until I had gotten up, after having a nap, but I decided to continue my venture to find the wall; If I find a wall then if I follow the wall I might find an exit.

Honestly, that's my only plan right now because I can't afford to try and wait for something to happen on it's own.

Plus I'd rather not be stuck here for any long amount of time, isolation like this has been known to drive people insane given enough time. So yeah, I don't want to end up going crazy because I was trapped in here for a week.

Though the longer I continued to walk, I doubted that there even was an exit just that tad bit more than before.

" There has to be a wall eventually. There has to be a wall eventually. " I repeated to myself, almost like a mantra, as I still continued to walk with my end goal seemingly being nowhere in sight given that I've walked for what I can guess is quite a few hours, maybe even a day.


After a while, I had begun to get into a pattern: wake up from my nap, get up and continue to walk, sit down when my feet hurt too much to continue walking any further, have a nap and then repeat that again.

Don't ask how many times I've done this, because I'd have to say that it's somewhere in the double digits where I've lost count.

But as of right now, I'm sat down on the floor mulling over whether to get up and continue walking or just sitting here and being lazy since it won't make any difference in me still being trapped here.

I feel like Error with how I'm trapped in here, maybe I'll end up going crazy too?

" Welp, if I start seeing things then I know that I'm going crazy. Though I don't know if talking to myself could be considered crazy when there's absolutely not a single soul in here other than myself. " I muttered to myself with a light shrug.

No, it's not really that crazy when you consider how quiet it is here, there's no other sounds other than any sounds from either my clothes shuffling or if I speak.

Though, I'll have to admit that I only break the silence because of how deafening it is. I'd rather hear the sound of my own voice than just nothing at all, and it's not like I'm vain; I don't mind silence for a while, just not this kind of endless and deafening silence.

And so with a light exhale from my nose, I got myself to my feet and looked again for the horizon, but it still didn't change from what it was the last hundred times I had tried to see if there was anything on the white horizon.

But yet again, it was still the same as it was before.

Should I even continue walking? What if there really is no way out and I'm just gonna be stuck here for however long it takes for me to eventually keel over dead from starvation.

Now that I think about it, I haven't gotten hungry yet, I just wake up with the same feeling of being exhausted that I felt before I died, even if I've slept for who knows how long, and yet I'm still absolutely tired as all hell.

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